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Your apartment
"Baby, I know we just got the dog but... two nights before I booked us for a trip to Hawaii."

"Mmm. Joji, it's 4am. Why're you just barely telling me this?"

"Because the dog sitter is here and our flight is in an hour."

"Oh. Wait... why the hell are we going to Hawaii?"

"Becuase... we've been together for a year and a half already!"

"Shit. Time flies when you're having fun, hm?"

"Hell Yeah." He slowly brought his lips down to mine, kissing me deeply.

I hummed softly kissing him back as he slowly climbed on me. He parted his lips from mine and looked at me.

"You got me hard for no reason. I'm gonna have to go jack off real quick because I'm too tired to actually do anything to you right now. I'm sorry."

"No it's okay. I'm tired too. Go ahead, I'll get my things together."

He nodded and covered his lower waist, running into the restroom. I got up and whipped the blankets off of my body and wandered to my wardrobe, picking out some lazy clothing that I always wear. Stretching and walking on my tiptoes, I walked to the dresser grabbing things like: Bras, Underwear, Lingerie, Bikinis, Hairbrush, Condoms, Deodorant, hair ties, and my necklace that George gave me. George got out and tossed me a box.

"Here. We're gonna need these."

It was a box of XL condoms. I grabbed the ones I had in my bag and held them up.

"Already got em."

"Damn. Great minds think alike. Hm?"

I giggled and went back to packing.


Me, George, Katt, Max, Anisa, and Ian all sat in our plane seats. We had met Anisa at one of the airports and made her join. I popped a bottle of champagne and poured a glass for all of us. George cleared his throat and put his glass up. We joined him and clicked the edge of our glasses.

"Uh... Uhm... t-to... uh..."

"To our cancerous relationships!" I giggled.

He nodded and chuckled. "Thanks."

I winked and we all drank. 

Joji pov
"Y/n. Get up."

"20 more minutes."

"We're on a plane. You can sleep on my lap until we get to the house."

"Carry me..."

I handed y/ns bags to Max and Ian, then picked her up bridal style and carried her out and to the rental car. I handed the keys to Katt and her and Max took the front, Ian and Anisa took the middle, and y/n and I took the way back. I looked down at her, staring and admiring her perfect... everything. Her eyes, jawline, hair, nose, ears, eyelashes, lips. I don't know what I'd do without her. By the time I looked up, we were already at the condo. I softly rubbed her arm and she opened her beautiful e/c eyes and looked at me. She smiled and got up, fixing her hair into a bun and kissing my lips. I climbed out and grabbed her hand. "Let's go get settled inside, then we can go out."
I brought the final bag in with the equipment we needed for filming/vlogging. Y/n slowly poked out of the room and looked at me. I looked back at her and smiled.

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