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I heard a buzzing and sat up, reaching over George and grabbing his phone. I muted it and laid on his chest. It immediately started buzzing again. I grabbed it and answered. 


"Um. Hello? Who is this?!"

"What the hell do you mean 'who is this?' You called me."

"Wrong honey, I called George. I'm Samantha, his girlfriend."

"Yeah. Nice joke. But you're not the one who's in bed with him."

"Give the phone to my babe. Now!"

I rolled my eyes and shook George. "Babe there's someone calling you. Named Samantha." He groaned and grabbed the phone, putting it on speaker.

"What the hell do you want?"

"Hey baby, What're you doing?"

"I just finished a session of morning sex with my girl. Why?"

"You're cheating on me?!"

"We were never together."

"But baby, I love you."

"Well I love y/n. Stop calling me. Bye."

He set his phone down and groaned angrily. I rested my head on his chest again and felt how hot he was. "God. George you're on fire." He rubbed his head and looked at me. "I feel like shit. Then she calls me saying that I'm her boyfriend." I tilted my head a bit. "Who was that anyways?" He looked over and held my hand. "Well Samantha, she met me at a party. We hung out, talked, drank. Everything. Then she tried to kiss me and I faked a phone call and walked away. I forgot I had given her my number and she's been calling me ever since. I blocked her but somehow this crazy bitch found it out again." I sat there. "Wow. She really is crazy. What're you gonna do?" He shrugged. "I don't know. Probably nothing." I giggled and sat back , typing on my phone. He looked over and tried to peek, making me Smile. "I know you're being the over protective boyfriend already so you can see my messages." He quickly took the phone and searched my messages. "Noah said 'hey baby'." He looked over and furrowed his brows. I rolled my eyes and reached for my phone. He held it back. "Not until you tell me who that is..." I scoffed. "He's just a friend." He rolled his eyes. "Yeah right. I knew this was too good to be true." He got up and put on some clothes, leaving me in the bed with my phone. He didn't even let me explain. I heard a car rev and pull out of the drive way. Nick peaked his head in to see me crying in bed. "Hey, Hey Hey... what's wrong?" I waved my hand, not really wanting to talk. He nodded and left me alone. I knew me and George were leaving tomorrow but I didn't want to wait. I booked a flight for 7:30pm and started packing my bags.


The plane touched the ground and one of the people beside me woke me up. I thanked him and grabbed my bags, walking out and getting in a taxi. Soon, we pulled up to the apartment and I got out, sniffling lightly. The man looked at me as I offered money. He refused and told me to keep it and how I looked like I had a hard day. I thanked him and smiled weakly, then waved bye as I walked up the steps. I unlocked my door and walked in, dropping my bags and instantly crashing on the couch, tearing up. I sent George a message with A video of Noah. "Hey baby! Come back to Brooklyn! I miss ya lots!" George didn't give me time to explain to him that Noah was gay and he called everyone baby. I turned off my phone, then threw it aside. I dragged myself into bed and fell asleep.


*unexpected George POV*

I felt horrible about leaving y/n alone and not listening to her. I walked into a small flower shop and got her some roses, then went to the clerk and put them on the counter. She looked up and winked at me.

"5.50. You know, you're pretty hot."

"Not interested."

"Fine then. Asshole."

I rolled my eyes and walked out, getting in the car, and going back to Tanners house. I got out and stretched my legs, walking in and holding the bouquet behind my back. I walked upstairs and opened the door, walking in. I dropped the vase and my body went completely stiff. Her stuff was gone. She was gone. I sat on the bed and put my head in my hands. "I'm so sorry." Was all I could say. I got up and walked to my backpack, getting out the drumpad I had used at the concert. I plugged it in and made a small beat, then sang quietly. After, I booked a flight and went to sleep, cuddling with a pillow and wishing it was her.


*Your pov*

     I woke up and looked around, not seeing or hearing George's snoring. I remembered and put my head down, sighing, then went to my room and put on a black shirt with smoker holes in it. It went down to my thighs, then I put on some ripped black pants and my grey Vans. I looked at my phone, then shrugged and grabbed it, then my backpack. I put it in the pocket and walked out, closing the door behind me. I walked down the street, getting looks from guys. I rolled my eyes and went into the cafe, seeing Tony and Brooke. She came and hugged me and put her hand under my chin. "Dude you look like shit. Was it George?" I just nodded and walked to a small seat. She waved at Tony and he pointed at his watch, then nodded. She sat down with me and slid me a (fav drink) and a (sandwich of your choice). "Tell me everything."
Maybe another one tonight or very early in the morning. Also the interview with Joji on Genius' page was so cute. If you don't have access or don't know how to get to it. Snapchat me @Chickeewalla or Kik @EhImCanadianTrash
ALSO backstory on my user for kik. I went up to my moms grandma and asked her. "What's my ethnicity or the families ethnicity." She told me it was Canadian and I was like "noice". Well then I asked my grandpa. "Grandpa are we Canadian?" He told me we weren't and we were actually Japanese. Which I understand how you get those confused. We all have slanted eyes. So yeah. <3

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