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     I woke up to George spooning me, Max cuddling with my legs, and Ian holding my hand and laying on the floor. Chad was nowhere to be found. Meh. Lucid dreams again. I went back to sleep. George's mom walked in and took her camera out, snapping a picture. She went and tapped everyone telling them that breakfast was ready. I heard the guys get up like a bunch of zombies, moaning and groaning. George and I got up after and walked hand in hand with him downstairs. We sat at the table and ate after everything was passed out to us. Chad came down last, plopping down and saying he wasn't hungry, causing Asami and Hideki to get worried and save something of each if he did get hungry.


We, being me, George, Max, and Ian, drove around town looking for a couple of shops. Max screamed, making me hit the breaks and pull over. I swished my hair from my face and whipped around. It's like Max and Ian could see the fire in my eyes, but George could see the fear as he put a hand on my back.

"What the hell were you thinking max?! You could've gotten us all killed!"

"I-I didn't mean to y/n! I just saw a Poké-."

"A fucki- a Pokémon shop?!"

He nodded yes and looked down. Ian looked up at me and gave me a sincere look.

"Don't talk to Max like that."

"Ian Carter. Are you kidding me?" I scoffed

"Max has a special place in my heart and it hurts me to see him upset and mad with himself."

My angry face went away and Ian pat Max's back.

"Gaaaaayyyyy!" George climbed out of the car. I giggled and got out with him, then waited for Ian and Max. Max passed me and I gave him some money. "Go buy whatever you want. I'm sorry." He looked like a happy child who's getting the toy of his dreams. "Thanks cunt!" He ran into the shop. "Oi, don't push it!" I yelled and smiled. Ian followed him and me and George walked down the alley ways with the small stores on them. We stopped at one and he bought me the Rilakkuma teddy bear in the store. I didn't get to check the price, but he wouldn't tell me so I was on a mission to find out later. We left from the store and went into the Pokémon shop only to find Max and Ian with their hands full of small packs, sets, big cards, cases, and sleeves. They looked at me and I smiled, waving. They tried to wave back but couldn't.
     After we paid for everything, we put it in the car and went on our way back home. It was about 35 minutes until we finally got there and emptied everything. We put everything into our separate rooms and went back downstairs to go watch a movie with George's parents. Asami ran out to us and held out her hands. "Wait wait wait! I gotta show you all something." She handed me a Polaroid picture and smiled.
Max's arms were entangled with my legs, Ian's fingers were intertwined with mine, and George was holding me from behind with one arm around my waist and the other going across my chest like a seat belt.

"I thought this was a dream." I giggled.

Ian mumbled something, causing my laugh to die down. "What was that Ian?"

He smiled and repeated himself a bit louder. "I uh. The movie from last night. I had a nightmare about it and I woke up with a jump. I saw your hand hanging off so I held it and it made me feel better."

"Awwwh. That's so cute."

Max spoke up as well. "I had a nightmare we were all in the game and when I woke up, I tried to hug a pillow but it didn't work. I was gonna wake you up but I was afraid George would've gotten mad at me for cuddling you. So I held onto your legs."

I giggled louder and looked at George. "And why were you holding me?"

He glared at me and smiled. "One: Because you're my girlfriend and it's my job... And Two: Because you were whimpering and I hugged you so you would quiet down from whatever nightmare you were having."

Everyone aw'd and laughed. George just blushed and held my hand. We continued walking and got to the second floor where there was a built in theatre. Everyone decided they wanted to go eat instead, leaving Me and George to watch whatever. He put on Jackass and cuddled with me on one of the couches. He coughed and mumbled. "Can we pick up where we left off the last time we were alone?" I nodded and got up, locking the door and taking my shirt off, then his. He got straight to the point, pinning me on the couch and sliding my pants off. He slid his off after, rubbing his hips against mine. I looked up and let out the softest moan. He slid his hand down my stomach and into my panties, rubbing me softly, then inserting two fingers. He kissed me passionately, making me moan against his lips. Suddenly, he pulled my underwear down and pulled his down as well, slowly putting the tip in, then softly thrusting into me. I looked him in the eyes and bit my lip to keep me from moaning again. "How deep can you go daddy?" He smirked and threw my legs over his shoulders, placing his hands on both both sides of me and pounding into my roughly. I contained my moans and he leaned into my ear and whispered. "Let it out baby. They wanted food from an actual restaurant so they won't be back for an hour or so." I moaned loudly as he thrusted into me harder and also moaned. "You have no idea how long I've wanted this. Hell, it was ever since I met you on that drunken night." He held onto me and backed his hips up, ramming into me as the sweat droplets made his hair stick to his face. I felt a knot building up into my stomach as he quickened his pace. "Baby I'm close." He breathed heavily. "Me t-" before he could finish his sentence, he pulled out and came on my stomach and chest. He got on his knees and put three fingers in me, pumping them quickly. I squirted onto his hands and moaned loudly as he finished me off. He licked his hands, then around the lips. He laid beside me and brushed his hair back with his hand. "Holy shit. That was... amazing." I looked up at him and smiled. "Yeah. I guess first times are always the best." His eyes widened as he whipped his head towards me. "It was your first time?! You could've told me that so I could go easy!" I shrugged and blushed, moving his hair from his eyes and kissing him. "That doesn't matter." He reached into his jean pockets and pulled out a pack of cigarettes, offering me one. I took one between my lips and he lit it for me as I thanked him. He grabbed both of our cigs and held them, then leaned in, bitting my bottom lip. "I love you." I smiled and kissed his plump lips. "I love you too."
This was my first time writing smut.
Word Count<>1261

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