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The escalator carried the four of us up to the packed food court. I stepped off, guys following behind me, and walked towards the Chick-Fil-a.

"Ugh. Why here of all places?" Joji groaned.

"Dude, shut up. I just want my salad." I said as I whipped around looked him in the eyes.

"Well. I want sushi." He said as he winked and walked off. 'What's with the wink?'

     I got my salad and walked to a table for four. Ian and Max had gotten  burgers, an order of fries, and sodas. They sat with me and began to eat. Soon Joji came and sat down on the right of me. I began to eat with a little talk here and there. I took out my phone and put it under my right hand, scrolling through Instagram and liking random videos. For an odd reason I got the feeling to look at my own pictures and see which ones I should delete. My finger clicked the small bubble of my profile and scrolled. I saw Joji looking over but I didn't mind it. He reached over and grabbed Max's phone and typed something. I got a follow request, which rarely happened. "@Sushitrash." I looked at the page and smiled, looking up at Joji. He just had mouth full and his lips shut, doing a weird little smirk, and raising both eyebrows. Have to admit, his cheekbones were really cute.

"Y/n..?" Joji said.

"Huh? Oh. Wait what?" Was I starring at him? And how long was I doing it?

"You were starring for a good 5 minutes,"He answered your question. "Now hurry up and eat. Your salad is getting cold."

"No it's not, it's still w-...wait. How the hell does salad get cold?" I giggled and looked up at him.

"Son of a b- okay I wasn't thinking. I was busy looking at someo- something." He blushed.

I raised a brow and continued eating.


"I'll see you guys later!" I said as I walked off. I saw someone following me, but then noticed it was Joji.

"What're you doing? Why're you following me?"

"I'm not... I live this way."

"Hm. Okay."

Me and Joji continued walking until he caught a cabs attention. They pulled over and picked us up.

"Where to?" The driver asked.

Made up name v

"West Moon apartments please." Me and Joji both said in unison.

"You live at West?" I asked.

"Yeah. How have we never seen each other? Well never mind I just answered my own question. I usually stay at the boys' house." He laughed.

I giggled, then went quiet.


Joji and I walked up the steps together and talked about random things, like Max's Pokémon collection. I opened my door and looked back at him.

"Wow y/n. We live right next to each other. Now I don't have an excuse."

"Yeah. Anyways, I have to get up at 6:30. I work at the cafe down the road so goodnight I guess.."

"Uh wait. Can I have your number? Ya know. Just for... safety purposes?..."

I held out my hand and waited for him to give me the phone.

"Oh I don't have my phone. I broke it by messin' around."

"Well come in then. Let me get my permanent marker and write it on your hand." I opened the door and let him in, then led him to the kitchen. I reached up for a marker from the cabinet, but I couldn't reach it. I felt Jojis muscular arms wrap around my thighs and lift me up, setting me on his shoulder. I grabbed the marker and he set me back down, then looked at me, wiggling his eyebrows. I playfully pushed his shoulder.

"Stop it you idiot."

"Aw cmon. You know you love me."

"You wish. Now lift up your shirt so I can write my number on your chest."

"I thought you said my arm..."

"Well I changed my mind." I said as I grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled upwards on it, revealing his toned abs. I instantly felt my face get hot and red.

"Are you blushing?"

"Pfft. No. Idiot." I pressed the felt tip of the marker against his skin and started writing. "There." I pulled his shirt down and looked at him. His face was also red. "Awww. Little Joji is blushing." I teased as I pinched his cheeks.

"What? Am not." He swatted my hands off.

Just then, a large rumble of thunder came through, followed by a crack of lightning. The power went out. I immediately clung to Joji, due to my thunder and darkness fears. I felt his chest bounce as he chuckled, then he wrapped his arms around me.

"Alright cmon." He picked me up and carried me through a dark hallway, going into my bedroom, then set me down in my bed.

"How'd you know where my room was?"

"Y/n, we have the same setup in our apartments."

I giggled and blushed "oh yeah. I forgot."

"Goodnight." He was about to leave when I heard another rumble of thunder. I quickly sat up and grabbed his arm.

"Please stay..."

He looked me in the eyes and smiled. "Okay. Can I have some pants? And is it okay if I sleep shirtless?"

"Yeah." I got up and grabbed some large pants from my closet and handed them to him, then lay back down. I buried myself under the thick blankets.

     He put on the pants and took his shirt off, laying in bed with me.

"Hey who's number is that?" I asked like an over protective girlfriend.

He giggled and wrapped his arms around me. "Babe I swear. It's no one. I promise."

"Mhm. Cheating bastard."

You and him laughed.

"Oh by the way. Im gonna friend zone you here. We aren't like together or anything. I just need comfort and you happen to be here for me. So... don't get carried away."

"I know. Geez don't be so harsh." He huffed.

     I snuggled into him. Another crack of thunder was heard, causing me to jump a bit and scoot even closer. I heard a quiet "Shhh. It's okay. I'm here. You're okay." As Joji massaged circles on my back.

I slowly relaxed and finally started to doze off, hearing his light snore afterwards.
Uhhhh I'm gonna go get food. Bye.
~Word Count<>1061

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