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     I felt something heavy jump on me, causing me to wake up and cough. I looked down and saw a male bulldog. Tanner ran in and grabbed him, then ran out. I guess he didn't see that I was awake. I got up and walked downstairs, coughing a bit. 'Why the hell is it foggy?' I walked to the living room. "What the hell guys. It's late. Go t- are you guys smoking?" George looked up with glazed over eyes. "Baby girl, come join us." I rolled my eyes and sat down next to him. He passed the blunt he was holding to me and raised his eyebrows. I stared, remembering the first time I smoked and how good it felt. "Fine." I grabbed it and took a long drag from it, making Nick and Tanners jaw drop. I blew out and turned to George, offering it back. He took it and kissed my lips. "That's my girl."


I woke up and felt George's weight on my body. I softly combed my fingers through his hair, making him groan silently in pleasure. I smiled and kissed his forehead, slowly moving out of his embrace. Tip-toeing to the kitchen, I grabbed eggs, pancake batter, fruits, and some oranges. I made some omelettes and put them on the counter, then made the pancakes as well. I grabbed the fruits and made a small fruit salad for each. Once I was done, I grabbed some oranges and squeezed them into a pitcher with sugar in it. I mixed it and put ice in, then went upstairs to Tanners room. I slowly walked in and shook him lightly. He woke up with a sleepy groan and smiled. I smiled back. "Breakfast is ready." He quickly got up and went down, leaving me to wake up Nick. I walked to his room and pat his shoulder. "Nick. The food is ready. Cmon get up." He groaned and flipped over. I groaned louder. "Nick. Please?" He woke up and looked at me, then got up and put a shirt on. I ran down and jumped over the couch as the two guys watched me. I straddled George's lap and bounced. "Wake up. Wake up. Wake. Up." A small moan came from him, causing me to blush. "Baby? Why'd you stop? Keep going." He smiled. "George we're in the living room. Tanners living room. And they're standing behind us." He sat up and looked at all of us. "Oh. Shit." He wrapped his arms around me and smiled. "Heeeey dudes..." They just laugh and nodded their heads. I got off of George after his boner finally disappeared. He stood up and walked to the kitchen. Everyone served themselves and thanked me. "Babe, you're not gonna eat?" I looked over. "Hm? Oh. No thanks. I'm not really hungry." He brought over two plates anyways. "We have a long day. I need you to eat." I nodded and ate some of the fruits and half of the eggs, letting Tanner have the rest.


"Babe! Get dressed. We're going to a house party." He said as he trotted up the stairs. I was in the middle of putting on my shirt when he bursted in. I blushed and giggled. "The shirt was a little too small." He laughed and nodded, then went to the restroom to shower. I slipped on some grey sweatpants and one of getters "TrippyBurger" shirts he had given me. I laid in bed and waited. Soon, George came out in a black shirt and black pants. I smiled as he crawled onto me. "I don't wanna mess up. My throat still hurts. And I think I have a fever but I can't let my fans down." I nodded slowly. "Maybe you'll feel better by night. Or you can just take a nap and we'll go at six." He smiled. "Okay we'll go to the party at six and take a nap now? What time is it?" I looked at my phone. "1pm." He took off his shirt and pants. "Thank god." I took off my shirt and laid near him, with my head on his chest. His heartbeat slowly faded. And so did I.
      "Y/n it's time." I looked up to see George super sweaty. "Babe are you feeling okay?" He coughed. "A little warm. But that has nothing to do with this. Cmon!" He threw his clothes on and before I could say anything he was grabbing the keys to one of Tanners cars and running out. I slipped my shirt on and ran down, locking the door and getting into the car. He sped over to a house several miles away and we got out. Brian, Tanner, Nick, Kyle, and some other dude cane running to us and greeting us. One with tattoos on his face shook my hand and spoke in an accent. "I'm not very good at the English language, but my name is Keith." I smiled and giggled a bit. "Pleased to meet you Keith, I'm y/n." He smiled and led us to the backyard. About 30 minutes later we drove off and to the place George was playing. After a couple of artists he came out in a black robe with nothing but boxers under. "What the hell is this boy wearing?" I gestured to him. Kyle laughed from behind me. "I don't know but he's rockin it." I smiled and agreed. The music started playing and people whistled and clapped for him. My heart wanted to leap from my chest, I was so proud.
He would glance over at me at times and I would give him a thumbs up, wink, blow a kiss, or just wipe my tears. He smiled as the last song rolled around.
"Oh! This ones Timeless. Yo, who loves wonderwall? Who fucks with Wonderwall? He looked over at me and Kyle. "Y'all fuck with Wonderwall?"
I giggled and kept looking at him, really understanding how in love I was.
"Today is gonna be the day that I'm gonna throw it back to you."
He yelled into the mic with his huge goofy smile.
"By now you should've somehow realized what you gotta do."
He yelled louder, making me burst into laughter and wipe my tears.
"And I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do, about you now!"
He giggled as he saw me laughing.
"Thank you. Tha-" He giggled again as he glanced at me. "I just wanted to end it with Wonderwall I just, I-I love this song, it's timeless I'm sorry. I fuck with it so much... If you hate me, you can beat the shit out of me after the show. It's fine, it's fine. I'll take it. I'll fucking take it. I'm sorry guys." He said a last thank you and walked of the stage, speed walking to me and hugging me. I embraced him in a hug as tears streamed down my cheeks. "Baby you were so good!" He squeezed me tightly and giggled. "You're also burning up. We needa get you some medicine." I walked to my backpack and got a NyQuil. "Here take this. It'll make you drowsy so I'll drive us home." He nodded and swallowed it with water. "Thank you Baby. I love you." I smiled and hugged him again. "I love you too."


I got out of the car and went to the passenger side, helping him out. He lazily clung to me as I opened the door to Tanners house. Thank god there was a house key on this set. I put the keys on a hook and helped him up the stairs. "Babe. Can you take a shower?" He nodded and yawned. He went in and washed his hair and his face. Then came out. He put on some grey sweatpants and laid next to me, pulling me in like a teddy bear. "Thank you. I honestly don't know if I could've done this without you. You're actually sticking with me after you found out about the shit that happens to me. Or what you're gonna get for people finding out that me and you are together. It means a lot. And I honestly can't tell you how much I love you." I smiled as small tears of happiness went down my cheeks. "I like your personality. Or... personalities... You aren't dumb or insane. You're just uniquely adorable. And you don't have to tell me or show me how much you love me. Because I already know and I love you too. Now go to sleep. Please." He flipped me over and spooned me, kissing the back of my shoulders and neck, then whispering a "Goodnight." I could feel his hot breath against my neck. Every time he breathed it gave me the chills. "Goodnight." I whispered back.
Did I just stay up to put this out even though I have serious sleep deprivation? Yes. Am I unhealthy and might die due to this sleep deprivation? Oh definitely.
Word Count<>1506

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