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George's apartment with Max, Ian, and Chad
     I sat in the bed waiting for Joji to come out. 45 minutes had passed. Finally the door knob jiggled and out stepped Joji, looking at me. I sat up and laughed. "Geez. How many times did you... you know..." He shrugged his eyebrows and bit his lip. "Only once." I blushed and smiled awkwardly. "Well your boys are outside in the living room. They've been waiting." He groaned and stared at me. "But I wanted to be alone with you." He slowly approached me and kissed me, then bit my lip, pulling it outward a bit. I rolled my eyes playfully. "You and I can have 'alone time' some other day." He groaned again and walked out, me following. "Hey cunts! What brings you to the gooks palace?" Ian giggled. "Well we came to talk about the upcoming game of Deadly Twister. Katt doesn't want it done in Max's house since she's gonna be busy and Anisa is sick. So you're it." George groaned. "Why the hell? But y/n is here. She's only seen me act in the videos. Not in real life." I crossed my arms. "George. I have my own apartment room. I can just go in th-." Max cut me off. "No no no little y/n. No no no little Georgeypoo! Seeing each others embarrassing sides is one step closer to having a healthy relationship like me and Katt." I blushed deeply, frowning at Max. George laughed and leaned down, kissing my cheek and talking in a Frank voice. "Well baby girl, I guess you get to see Papa perform live." I rolled my eyes and sat down on the couch next to Chad. He looked over and whistled, startling me. "HOT DAMN! Y/n, when can I get some of that pussy?!" George grabbed me and jerked me away from Chad. "彼女は私のものです." My eyes widened as I blushed and the guys burst out in laughter. "What'd ya say cunt?" I grumbled quietly. "Guys stop. He's just being protective of his 'baby girl'." You mocked him. Chad raised his eyebrows. "You really take this cunt to be your boyfriend?" I scoffed and replied sassily. "I'd take him over your little chode any day." A round of laughs erupted from the room. I giggled quietly and pushed George down, then sat on his lap, curling up. He cradled me and kissed my neck softly, then looked up at the guys. "Okay so we'll record in the guest bedroom. But for tonight y'all can sleep here. We can record tomorrow afternoon." The guys nodded and yawned. I had sorta dozed off already but I felt George take me to the room and lay me down. He tucked me in and kissed my forehead whispering "goodnight princess." Then closing the door and leaving back to talk with the guys.


Morning finally came around. I woke up to Joji softly kissing my cheek and neck. "You just love me. Don't you?" I mumbled. "I guess a little too much. What's wrong? You don't love me?" He made a pouty face. I kissed his nose. "Nope. Not at all. You're still a friend... with benefits." I sat up and yawned. But I immediately looked down when I felt a cool breeze against my chest. I noticed I only had a bra and panties on. I turned to Joji only to see him putting his hands up. "Hey I didn't do that. You were complaining it was hot last night, then started stripping. I actually tried to stop you but you kept swatting my hand away." I rolled my eyes and took one of his shirts, putting it on and slipping on my shorts from yesterday night. I snuck to the kitchen and made some potatoes, scrambled eggs, fluffy pancakes, then chopped some strawberries and banana. I added blueberries and other fruits to little bowls and set them all on the counter. I ran to each room and pounded on the door. "Breakfast is ready! Wake up!" About a minute later they came out, stretching, yawning, fixing their hair, and finishing put their shirt on. Their eyes widened as they saw my large feast on the small island. George came out and immediately got a comment from Ian. "Wow man, you're gonna have the best life with this one around." He raised his eyebrow. "Why?" Ian looked shocked and pointed. "Dude look at this food! It looks like heaven!" Joji put his hands on both sides of my waist, swaying back and forth. "You kidding? As long as I have her my life will be 'the best'." I smiled as he kissed my cheek. Max made a disgusted face as he began to put food on his plate. "Cheesy cunts." I giggled and filled up a plate, then sat down. George came and sat down next to me and turned on the tv, watching American Dad. "Hey, y/n. Take a picture of me." He put on a beanie. I grabbed the phone and took a picture of him from the side, catching the rainy weather and buildings behind him. I handed the phone back and he looked at it. "Awh that's aesthetic right there." He posted it to Instagram with the caption 'I am not in deep thought. I'm watching American Dad.  Pc: @(user)'. I liked his picture, then put my phone down and continued eating.


We laid out the twister mat and put ice with salt, rat traps, and double shots. The green was mystery hat. Max came out of his room first with a Jake costume on, then Ian with a Finn costume on. "Where's George?" I asked. I walked over to his room and opened the door, walking in and seeing him on the bed in a Princess Bubblegum outfit. I snickered and went over to him. "What's wrong?" He looked up at me and stared. "We have to drink in this one. I don't want to, but the guys are making me." I giggled. "You'll be fine. Get out there." I grabbed the hat with the hair on it and put it on his head. He wiggled his brows. "Bet I look sexy in this costume, huh baby?" I kissed his cheek. "100% bangable." I walked out and he followed. Chad greeted us in a diaper. "Aye cunts. We already shot the intro while you all were in there fuckin." I blushed. "I was giving him a pep talk." I sat behind the camera with someone named HowtoBasic and watched. Chad grabbed both, Max and Ian and hit them together, cueing Max to say his lines. "Hey guys, I'm Jake the dog and welcome to Deadly Twister Two." Ian took over, now saying his lines. "Uh. Hand lands on purple, ya take a drink." HTB handed the camera to me. I got on my stomach and held the camera steady, recording George. He gagged and spoke in a raspy voice. "Yellow spots got rat traps. My favorite. Blue spots we got," I started giggling at him, but holding it in, making him stutter and smile. "eh-uhm- Ice and salt." I started to laugh again, making him smile widely, flexing his cheekbones. "Red spah-" he got cut off by his own laughter then whispered. "This hurts." Chad smacked him in the face with the spinner, causing him to laugh louder. "And - and red spots we got shots of vodka." He giggled again. "Double shots!" Max shouted. "Double shots of vodka." Joji said, still laughing.

*towards the end*

The house was a mess. George's turn came. He landed on green which was the mystery hat. He pulled out a paper that said "HTB." He looked and me and mouthed "hide." Howto grabbed some eggs and started throwing them violently. I was hiding in George's room and peaking my head out to watch. Max slowly crawled into his room, still screaming, soon followed Ian and then George and Chad. He was already throwing bowls, pans, cake rings, and cups. George backed up with his arms out, protecting me, pointing and laughing at the guys across the hall. They all came out slowly, me still peaking my head out. Ian was laughing but you could tell he was being serious. "You could've killed us. It's not funny." He combed his hair back. "If you don't wanna film for us, you don't have too, we can get someone else okay? Fuck!"


George showered last and came in the room with this hair still dripping wet, and his body covered in small glimmers from the water droplets. I peaked around my phone, looking his body up and down. He turned to me and smiled. "Like what you see?" I blushed and turned over, still looking at my phone. "I was looking at you in disgust. Idiot fuckboy." He walked around the bed and pushed my phone down, kissing my lips. "Moan really loud and see what the guys do. I'll do it after." He giggled. I frowned and smiled. "You're such a little man child." I moaned loudly. Followed by a "oh yeah daddy. Keep going.~" George chuckled and moaned also. "You like that baby girl?" We heard whispers outside the door. "Yeah dude. They're totally doing it." Was Ian.
"Yo. They're fuckin hardcore. Think he's gonna fill h-" his breath got knocked out. "Ow fuckin cunt."
"I've never had sex." Whispered Chad.  HTB chimed in. "Leave the kids alone. They're just having fun." I walked over and opened the door, looking them directly in the eyes. "Y'all are actually really perverted. George came up behind me and winked at the guys. "Yeah. If me and her were actually going at it, she wouldn't be able to breathe." Max rolled his eyes. "Where's your clothes faggot?" Joji looked down at his half naked body. "Well I didn't put any on yet. Gosh. Alright get out." He shut the door and carried me back to the bed, laying me down, then covering my eyes with the duvet as he got dressed. Once he put on his boxers he pulled down the covers and looked at my eyes. "I'm dressed enough. You can look now." I chuckled sleepily. "Just get in bed." He crawled in next to me, kissing my neck. "Eager are we?" I hit his shoulder. "Shut up." I rested my head against his chest, smelling his body wash." I whispered. "Goodnight." He pulled me closer and kissed my forehead. "Goodnight baby."
Tryna push these out quicker for your enjoyment. Was gonna publish this one last night but I fell asleep with my phone in my hands. Oh well. (☝︎ ՞ ՞)☝︎

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