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I heard George's calm, clear, and smooth voice.

"Babe. Wake up."

"Mmm. Five more minutes."

"We have to exit the plane now though."

"We never boarded a plane though."

He chuckled softly. "Silly girl, it was probably because you were half asleep. We're home. In Brooklyn."

I sat up and rubbed my eyes, looking out the plane window and seeing the airport. I got up and got my luggage, waiting for him to lead the way. He flicked his head to the right telling me to come and I walked after. We walked down the small set of stairs, then inside. I ordered an Uber and waited about ten minutes before a black Tahoe pulled in and a small girl opened the door and waved. The interior was leather and the back seats were covered in snacks and other items we needed. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and grabbed a water from the small cooler, taking a sip and sliding her two bucks. She refused but I insisted and she finally took it after several minutes of arguing playfully back and forth. Before we knew it, we reached the apartment. I got out and George paid as we waved her a goodbye and have a five star.


Done. We were packed and ready to get on another plane. It was 4:35 and our flight was at 5:20 so we sat for a small while until we decided to finally get going. This time, we got a not so friendly uber who looked like he murdered someone and was still out, looking for more victims. Although, I did like this driver because he drove fast even though it was unsafe. We got there really quick and got out. Lucky he went fast because we almost missed it. We sprinted through the airport and got in the plane. Soon, we were back in the air and on our way to lovely Japan. George looked over at me.

"Don't Rain On Me got #3 on trending."

"No way! I'm so proud of you." I reached over and brushed my hand under his chin, leading him to a kiss.

Our kiss was broken by a baby crying. I looked at the person behind us to see a small baby girl in a mans hands. He looked up with a red face and spoke softly. "I'm sorry. I can't get her to stop crying. My wife left and she made me keep her. I haven't gotten sleep for weeks." I couldn't help but feel bad for the man. I stood up and reached back.

"Let me see her. I'll let you rest till Japan. I promise I'll take care of her." I smiled kindly.

He nodded and handed her over. "Bless you, young lady." He reclined his seat slightly and closed his eyes, leaving me with a fussy baby.
I sat down and cradled her, rocking my arms side to side and talking with a smile. "Hush hush. It's okay. I know this big scary machine makes a lot of spooky noises but it can't hurt you." I took the little blanket off because she felt a bit warm and laid it on my lap, softly patting her back. "There you go, is that better?" The baby let out a soft coo and giggled, putting her fist into her mouth. I put out one of the tables and laid the blanket on it, setting her down softly on her bottom with her legs curled in front of her as she rested against the back of the other seat. "You're adorable. Yes ma'am you are." She giggles loudly and tossed her little arms up, then brought them back down, squishing her cheeks. I booped her nose softly and she gurgled and yawned. I crossed my legs and picked her up, laying her in the tiny little spot, covering her cold skin with the blanket. In seconds, she was out. I looked over and caught George taking pictures and smiling widely. I giggled.

"I don't really like kids but I felt bad for the guy. He has major bags."

"Yeah. But you're really good with babies." He nodded.


Upon arrival in Japan, the man tried to pay me but I refused and fought until I won. We were now in an rental car and heading over to his parents house, which I heard was pretty big from Ian. George nudged me softly. "We're gonna stop at the Family Mart up here. Mom told me to pick up some milk." I thought about it until I remembered that we were surprising them because she only suggested we come here. But I nodded and agreed. We pulled in to the small, yet larger corner store and got out. We went inside and I went to go look for snacks as George went to go grab the milk. Suddenly, a bag got thrown around my head and three people grabbed me. I did everything I could to escape, but I couldn't. They were too strong. They put me in a car and took the bag off. I saw Max, Ian, and Chad all looking at me, then George walk out of the store with a pack of cigarettes. I rubbed my head and smiled. I hugged the three guys and smiled. "Never do that again." They laughed and joked around as we drove off. Soon, we arrived at a large house that was three stories. I stared in amazement, then got a text.

Gay Retard: "Told you."

Me: "fuck up cunt."

Gay Retard: "Love you."

Me: "uhm I have a boyfriend. He's in the driver seat."

Gay retard: "o shi."

We got out and grabbed our bags. Instantly, a small Asian woman ran out and hugged George and jumping around. An older man stepped out with a good posture and tilted his head, walking up to me.

"You must be y/n, yes?"

"Oh. Yes sir." I reached my hand out, but got no hand back for a shake.

He laughed loudly and hugged me. "You don't have to be so serious. We're super friendly here. Call me Mr. Miller or Hideki."

I smiled brightly and his mom ran over, hugging me tightly as well. "Hello. You may call me Mrs. Miller or Asami! Whatever you please."


George and I were already in bed and just talking about nothing. The guys were in their rooms, asleep and so were his parents. The clock turned 2am and we sat there, wide awake. He turned and put his arm around me. I looked up at him and smiled as he came down to kiss my lips. The kiss quickly deepened as his tongue slid passed my lips and explored my mouth. He pulled back and smirked as he started to kiss my neck, swirling his tongue and leaving deep purple marks. I let out a small breathy moan. He pulled my shirt over my head and threw it to the ground, along with my shorts, then he took his pants and shirt off, revealing his toned body. Our lips crashed together again as he grind his hips on mine. I moaned, feeling how hard he was already. He took my bra off and trailed kisses down my cleavage. Suddenly, the door swung open, causing him to fall off the bed. I grabbed his arm but got pulled down with him. George grabbed a blanket and quickly covered me. Max laughed loudly "Well Boys we intruded. But now that George doesn't have a boner, George? Would you like to join us all for a late night Ramen feast and Movie?" We stayed on the floor for a couple more seconds, then after getting dressed got up. "Alright." I walked passed them and acted like nothing happened. George followed behind and everyone went to the living room. Since we were on the third floor, George's parents couldn't hear anything that was happening, thank god. Max opened a huge pot of ramen and scooped it into bowls passing it out. We huddled around the tv with blankets and watched Saw 2. I kept close to George as he protected me from the pixels on the screen.

Did anyone else scream, then silently die? Oh yeah

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Did anyone else scream, then silently die? Oh yeah. Also uhm. Follow me on Instagram @squiltts ;)
Word Count <> 1393

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