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I grabbed my blue backpack and waved a goodbye to Tony and Brooke. They waved back and I went out the side door to the back parking lot. I dug my keys from my pocket and unlocked the door to the car, getting in. I saw Brooke running at the car from the corner of my eye so I rolled down my window and she bursted out.


I looked up and just smiled. "Yeah. George's letting me borrow it so I can go wherever I want."

"Damn. Well I have a hair appointment and a date! See ya!"

"Tell me how it goes! Bye!"


I was rounding my last stop, the pet store. I went inside and grabbed what I needed.
-Puppy Chow
-Squeaky toy
-Teething bone
-Tennis balls
-Tiny clothes
-Halloween Costume
I overlooked my list one more time and finally went to the counter. '$258.00?! I hope George isn't mad...' I paid and got help from a buff dude to carry the kennel out. He put it in the back seat, then looked at the car. "You like Filthy Frank or something? This kinda looks like Pinks car." I smiled and looked at him, closing the trunk. "It is his." His eyes got narrow. "Bullshit. Prove it." I got out my phone and showed him pictures of me and George in his different suits. "He's my boyfriend." He scoffed. "This could just be pictures you took every time you met him." I groaned and nodded, then FaceTimed him. He picked up. "Hey baby. You okay?" I smiled and waved. "Yeah. You just have a fan here who doubted this was Pink Guys car." I giggled. "Well hey dude! It's me. And yeah that's my girlfriend. And yes that's my car." The guy freaked out and talked about how much of a fan he was for about 15 minutes before we all said bye.
     I got to the apartment and Ian had been waiting outside so he picked some of the things from the car and helped carry them up. When we got to the top floor I saw George with his face in his hands. Ian laid down on the couch and put his headphones in. I softly set down the things and went over to him.

"Hey... you okay?"

"Hm? Oh. Yeah."

"Cmon. Come to the room and tell me what's wrong."

Me and him walked over to our room and closed the door behind us.

"I'm just overthinking again."


"You. I'm scared that I'm not good enough..."

"Baby, don't say that. You know I love you and I could say that every day to make you feel b-"

I looked down on the floor to see him shaking violently with his eyes rolled back. "George! No! Cmon you can get through it." I pushed him on his side and held his jaw. I started crying and whispering into his ear. 

"Cmon. Get through it. You'll be okay... don't leave me. I know you're stressed but you gotta trust me that I want you only. Fuck every other guy you've introduced me to. They aren't loyal. Come back to me..."

His body stopped shaking and he opened his eyes, starting to cry. He sat up and wrapped his arms around me, sobbing loudly into the crook of my neck. Ian came in the door and saw us on the ground. I just looked at him with sad eyes and he understood and went back out.

     He had finally stopped crying after hours.

"I'm sorry you had to see that..."

"It's not like you control it. So. It's fine."

"I'm so tired. That shit really took a lot out of me."

I checked the time and saw that it was 1:16am.

"Let's just go to bed already. We can talk more about this tomorrow."

"Okay. Goodnight baby girl. Love you."

"Goodnight Babe. Love you too."


George flipped over and reached his hand around me, grabbing one of my boobs. I playfully rolled my eyes and giggled. He chuckled from behind and I turned over to face him, giving him a bit of time to snake his arms around me. He kissed me and smiled, then got up and stretched.

"Wanna go out and get some breakfast?"

"Yeah. Sure."

"I kinda want a Panini from Starbucks... wanna be white girls?"

"Hell Yeah. Get dressed."

I got up and George did too. He went to his little spot in the closet and I went to mine. As he dug out some white sweatpants and a white t-shirt, I pulled out a pair of black sweatpants and a loose black shirt. I put them on at the same time he did and when he turned around he just stared. "What the fuck are we? Yin and Yang?" I giggled. He laughed loudly at my comment and nodded. "I have no idea but let's mix. He grabbed a white shirt from my wardrobe and threw it at my face. "Wear that and I'll wear," he grabbed a black shirt and put it on. "This."
We got outside to his Pink car and got in, driving off. He hummed lightly and I looked over with a smile.

"What're you humming?"


"Is it... Go Flex by Post Malone?"

"How did you guess so easy?!"

"I don't know, because everyone else I played this game with had a voice that was a mix of horse shit and whale ejaculate."

"And what's mine?"

"Probably like... that... satisfying pitter patter Of rain on a pond... ocean waves... a cats purr... your moa-"

He leaned over and kissed me deeply. "We're Already here. Cmon."

I kissed back until he broke the kiss and got out. I got out with him and he walked over and held my hand, then opened he door for me. I walked off and went to the restroom to wash my hands. He went to the counter and about six girls walked up, all fighting over which one was gonna take his order. I walked out and saw the small crowd of fighting girls and him panicking. Walking over, I grabbed his hand and pulled his chin down, kissing him. He let out a breath of relief and wrapped his arm around me, facing back towards the counter, and grabbing my butt softly.

"Order whatever you want baby. You know I love to spoil you."

"I know. But I want you to surprise me."

"Surprise you like I did last night hm?"

"Ooh Yeah." I winked at him and brushed my hand along his hip, making him shudder, then put his hands in his pockets. The girls all rolled their eyes and walked away, making another rugged girl with braces and glasses. She had a slight lisp from what I heard.

"Uhm... h-hello. What would you like?"

I texted him from the table and told him to be nice.

*quick George pov*

"Hey. Wait are those Ray-Bans seeing glasses?"

"Oh. Yeah."

"Fuck dude, I love that brand. You gonna get contacts any soon?"

"Yeah. I've uh, actually thinking about it."

"Nah. Don't. Those glasses bring out your smile. And the braces bring out your eyes."

"Oh. Thank you so much. You're super nice."

"Yeah don't mention it. Anyways can I have a Turkey Pesto Panini and a vanilla bean frap. And for my girlfriend a Homestyle Chicken and Double Smoked Bacon sandwich and a (fav drink)."

"Yes sir. 22.50 is your total. It'll be right out."

I payed for me and y/ns meal and walked over to her, sitting down and smiling. She smiled back and I heard the lady a couple of minutes later call my order out. I walked over and picked it up, telling her thank you and bye.
It's storming and I have thunder fright. Help.
Word Count<>1319

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