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Your apartment
     Joji had gone back to his apartment, leaving me to get dressed. We planned on going out to a steakhouse at 8pm, then maybe to the carnival on the pier. I looked through my wardrobe. Finally I decided on a black mesh top with a lacy bra under it, then some black ripped jeans, and lastly some black boots. I slipped on the clothes and skipped into the bathroom, putting my hair into a messy bun. I walked out and plopped on my bed, looking at the time. 7:50pm. It was only about a minute more before I heard a knock. I skipped over and opened the door. All that was heard, was a swift "wow" under Jojis breath. He put out his hand and slightly leaned over. "Shall we?" He looked up with a goofy smile on his face. I put my hand in his. "We shall."
We got outside and got in an uber. The uber sped off and about 35 minutes later we arrived at the destination. Joji got out and opened my door for me, then paid. He walked ahead and opened the door for me. Instantly, the smell of beer filled my nose and the sound of classic rock filled my ears. He went up to the lady at the front podium. "Miller for two please." He said. The lady nodded with a smile, grabbed the menus and took us up a large flight of stairs to a single table on a porch. Then asked, "is this an anniversary or something? It's quite a fancy and expensive table." Joji only nodded no. "It's actually just a da-... Casual dinner." He smiled and the lady walked off with a slight hum under her breath.


Joji and I had already left the diner. Although it was delicious, it as a bit too pricey but he refused to be paid back or let me pay. We walked to the pier and played a couple of the games. He won a teddy bear that was bigger than me, then made me carry it as he watched and laughed. He went to several others and won at all of them, getting the biggest prize possible. Then he told me to carry them again. At the end of the night when all the rides were shutting down, he helped me carry them back to the entrance where the Uber was waiting. I could tell he was fed up by the look on his face while we tried to get the stuffed animals in.


We got back to the house and walked upstairs. He put all of the animals in my living room, then walked to my room with me to watch a movie. He picked out "Ride Along" with Ice Cube and Kevin Hart, then cuddled in bed beside me. We watched and laughed but it was only about 25 minutes into the movie that I caught him looking at me while I giggled. All he had was a slight smile on his face. I turned and looked up at him. His eyes trailed from my eyes to my lips as he slowly inched closer. Our lips were only millimeters apart when Max and Ian burst through the door of my room, yelling "COCK BLOCK". I was shocked at first, then remembered that we left the front door unlocked. Joji just chuckled. "Well we weren't gonna have sex. It was just gonna be a little kiss. Then maybe more cuddling." I nodded and giggled. "Guys how'd y'all even know where my apartment was?" Max shrugged and plopped on the bed with us. Then Ian sat beside him. It was now a cuddle fest. Ian spoke up. "George told us that you lived on the right of him. So we came to visit him and then we saw the door open, lights off, and heard giggling. Then we slowly got closer to your room and saw the door was closed. Of course Max assumed it was sex so he decided to intrude and so did I." I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrows sassily. "What if we were having sex? What would you do then?" Max poked his head up above Jojis shoulder. "I probably would've watc-." Joji cut him off and pushed him off the bed. We scoot over and gave Ian room to lay down, leaving Max on the floor in a groaning mess. I giggled and got up, going to my closet, taking out two sleeping bags, then violently throwing them at Ian and Max. "Here. I'm not letting you drive back home. Go sleep in the living room or something. Me and Joji have some cuddling to do." Joji laughed and nodded, then wiggled his eyebrows. "And maybe a couple of other things, yes?" I playfully hit his shoulder. "Shut up. It's the first 'casual dinner'." The guys walked out, grumbling something along the lines of "lucky" or "why does he get all the girls?"
I took off my shirt, having a sports bra on and some sweat pants and crawled into bed. Joji took his shirt of and laid back again, being my big spoon. He was dozing off already. "Goodnight." I said quietly.

"Goodnight babe." He whispered against the back of my neck.
I was supposed to update today at like 9am. It's 11:33pm.
~Word Count<>899

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