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Brooklyn streets
     I wasn't tired but my legs and feet definitely hurt from all the walking. Still no text from George. I reached the apartments and went up, unlocking the door and walking in to see him with a small framed picture of me on his lap and tons of beer cans and liquor bottles surrounding him. The door slammed behind me, causing him to sit up and stumble to his feet, running over and hugging me.

"I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault. I felt like you needed some time to yourself so I left... I went out the window because I knew you would question me if I went out the front door." I picked up his head and my heart immediately fell. His eyes were bloodshot and the bags under his eyes were puffy and black. My eyes slightly watered as I stared, softly rubbing them.

"I couldn't find my phone. I was gonna get in the car and go drive to find you but I was way too fucked up. I'm so so so sorry."

"Stop saying sorry. It's 7am. How about we both get some sleep? Ian and Max arrive at 8pm anyways." I grabbed his hand and led him to the bedroom, then took his shirt and pants off. "Hey, Calvin Klein. I'm wearing the same." I took off my shirt and shorts, revealing the black thong and black bra I was wearing with the same design as his. He smiled and nodded.


I laid in the bed and faced away from him and he crawled in next to me, grabbing my hips and chest and pulling me against himself, spooning me. We both fell asleep in about 3 minutes.


     I woke up to a crash in the kitchen. I didn't want to move because the room was pitch black. I looked at the time, 8:20pm. I stayed still until the door swung open revealing a tall man-at this point I didn't even want to breathe. I came and ripped the sheets off, turning the lights on, and screaming into both of our ears.

"Wake up cunts!"

"Holy shit." I looked up and saw Ian laughing and Max filming at the door. "I'm pretty excited to see you, but i hate you so much."

George angrily kicked Ian off and looked at me, grabbing the duvet and covering my body.

"Get the hell out! We're half naked!"

Max came over and lifted George's side of the sheets.

"Ooh la la. Me likey. Been working out your booty muscles at the gym, yeah?"

"I don't go to the gym."

"Yeah you do. It's call y/ns apartment. Where you thrust until you a-." George grabbed a towel and shoved it in his mouth, then grabbed both by their shirt and threw them out, closing the door behind them.

"AYE, GOOKS GOT SOME POWER!" Ian yelled, making me laugh harder. George came back to the bed and grabbed me, holding me close.

"They're so stressful."

"I know. I know. But we gotta get up. Cmon." I leaped from the mattress and put on some black sweatpants and a shirt I smelled something gross and it turns out it was my bra... my last bra. All of them were in the wash. I shrugged and took it off, slipping the shirt on again. I have small tits anyways. George got up and slipped matching clothes on, his black sweatpants and his white t-shirt. I smiled and kissed his lips, then walked out. Max was a giggly mess on the floor and Ian was beside him singing a weird song. I smiled and walked into the kitchen, hopping up on the counter, and getting out some bread. Ian walked up and opened the fridge, getting three beers.

"Y'know, that's really fattening."

"Fuck outta here, alien lookin ass."

"Geez. Fine." He giggled and walked out, then Max came in next.

"Aye y/n!"


"Geez. Harsh."

"I'm hungry." I giggled.

"So you're eating bread?" He grabbed the bag of bread and threw it in the bin. "That's bad for you."

I rolled my eyes and looked at him. "Hey. I got a question... cmere." I grabbed hooked my arm around his neck and brought him close enough so he could hear a whisper.

"Do me and Joji have a loving or a Lustful relationship?"

"I think it's loving. Why?"

"Because he looks at me and tells me I'm sexy and shit but that's either when I'm naked or in lingerie. Never when I'm fully clothed in sweatpants or somethin."

"Oh, no. He talks about you constantly. We were on the phone the other day and he said how beautiful you were and just kept blabbering. And when you went into the kitchen and left us in the lounging room he talked about you. How he just always wants to hold you and never leave your side. And sometimes you drool in your sleep but to him it's adorable."

"Shit. Didn't know that. Thanks dude. I'll see you out there in a sec."

"Alright. He loves you. Just remember that."

"I will maxipad. Now get out." He smiled and walked out of the kitchen. I grabbed some whiskey and walked out to the room with four glasses, pouring one for each of us. We drank it down and poured more.
      About half an hour later all of us were drunk and on the kitchen floor, now smoking weed. Max pointed at my chest and started laughing.

"Yo her nipples are hard."

I looked down and started giggling, seeing the tiny mountain on my chest.

"Aye aye aye! It's a chest boner." We started giggling again and George nudged me. I looked over and he poked it. "What happens if I tie a string around it? Like a little bow?"

"I don't know. Try it." He opened a drawer and grabbed some black thread from it, then cut it and tied it to my nipples. We all started scream laughing as I pointed at them. What the hell are we doing...


We were now all lounging on the sofa and watching Dora the Explorer. Dora popped up and I jumped, grabbing onto George and hiding my face. "Ha! Pussy." Ian shouted. The map popped up and he grabbed onto Max. "Why's it talking? That's not right. What the fuck!"

"Whos the pussy now?! Cock fuck!" I screamed, making everyone laugh.
     So someone messaged me. And said that they saw I published today. I DID but it was on accident. I was tired and my dumbass clicked publish instead of save. So I'm sorry about that. Anyways. I might not be active as much for the next few days. We found a family that would take the dog and we're gonna drive about 2 hours. SHES CARSICK SO I HATE MY LIFE. Wish me luck and blah blah blah. Thanks. Bye.
Word Count<>1145

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