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Vacation over
Back in Brooklyn
I got a call at about 3am and got up, walking out to the hallway and closing the door.


"Sissy. Mom said it would be there already. Check your mail."

"Kam, I don't have time for this. I was about to go to sleep."

"Yeah right. You were probably about to binge Rick and Morty."

"True. Okay. I'm going down to my mailbox."


"Okay okay. I'm going!" I got to the mail and unlocked my box, grabbing the small letter from Florida.

"Open it!"

"Ughhhh." I set my phone beside me and opened it, grabbing a single ticket out for a flight to Miami.

"I'm gonna get to see you again!"

"Wow. I'm so excited! But what about J- uhm. Nothing."

"Who? What were you gonna say?"

"Nobody. I'll tell you when I get there. Okay?"


"I promise."

"Okay. It's time for me to sleep so goodnight sis. Love you."

"Love you too."

I hung up and walked back upstairs, then went back in. George immediately walked over.

"Where were you?!"

"I was downstairs t-."

"Y/n I was worried sick!"

"Babe. It's okay. I just needa talk to you."


"I'm leaving at 8am."

"What? Where we going?!"

"George... Me. Not you."

"What'd I do wrong? I'll change, I promise."

"No! I'm going to visit my family in Miami... they sent me a ticket." I held it up.


"You can invite the Ethan and Hila or whatever. Plus now you get time alone. Naw music, record videos. You know?"

"Yeah... But... I'm gonna miss you."

"I know. We can Skype every day. Mmk?"

"Okay. Get a bit of rest, I'll drive you to the airport tomorrow."


I heard my alarm go off at about 7am. I woke up and swung my feet to the side of the bed, getting up to grab my bags and pack them.
After I was done I walked out to the kitchen and was surprised to see George cooking for me. He slid a plate of hash browns, an omelette, and a side of fruit. I kissed his cheek, then pulled his chin down, kissing his lips. He snaked his arms around my waist and kissed back, slightly starting to grab my butt. He squeezed it roughly, causing me to squeak and stand on my tiptoes. He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Now go eat your food."

"But I want more kisses..."

"You'll get some after you eat."

George pulled up to the drop off and looked at me sadly.

"Do you really have to go?"

THOM {Joji Miller x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now