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A huge crack of thunder caused me to jump and tear up a bit. George held onto me and rubbed my back.

"George what the hell was that?"

"I don't know. Let me go ask the pilot. He said his son watches him and to come up there if we needed content." He giggled.

"No babe wait! Don't leave me. Please." The plane shook again, causing other passengers to also get scared.

"Then come with me." He held out his hand.

I linked fingers with him as we walked to the front and knocked on a small slider door. It opened quickly and we were invited in.

"What's going on out there? You have my girlfriend freaking the fuck out."

The pilot said something but we couldn't hear him, so he just gestured to the front window and told us to come up front and buckle in the two spare seats. We did as he asked and put two headsets on, looking outside. What I saw scared me. I went pale. Huge black clouds, lightning, thunder rumbles, hail, and a giant storm brewing. I held George's hand and felt myself go limp.


     I woke up in my apartment. 'How did I get here?' George walked around the corner, checking on me and seeing I was up. "Hey baby girl, how you feeling?" You looked at him for a second. "Fine. Why? And how did we get back into Brooklyn so fast?" He covered my mouth. "Too many questions. A medic on the plane told me that you were so scared, you fainted, and slipped into a small coma. He spent the night here and left this morning." I stared blankly. "Wait. How long have we been here?" He wobbled his hand side to side. "About a day and a half. But I needa ask a question," I nodded. "Are you okay? And should I cancel the concert?" I sat up quickly "what n- Ow god." I held my head and curled up. "Wow. That hurt." I shook my head a bit and looked up at him. "Don't cancel it. I wanna go." He smiled and nodded. "Okay well. Take this and go to sleep. Our flight is at 9am." He gave me two little blue pills. I didn't question them. I was out in about 10 minutes.


I woke up a while later and decided to take a walk after seeing texts from Brooke and an unknown number I'm pretty sure was my boss. I went out to the living room and saw George on the couch, scrolling through Twitter. I kissed his head and smiled. "I'm going for a walk to the cafe. Brooke and my boss said they'll be there to talk to me." He looked up from his phone. "It's 7pm... I'm coming with you." I couldn't say no because I knew he wanted me to be safe. I smiled and waited for him to get his shoes on. Thirty seconds later we were out the front doors and on the sidewalk. He held my hand. All I could here were the pits and pats from the soles of the vans on the concrete. The lights were on and I saw Brooke waving excitedly. I ran over and jumped in her arms. "Brooke I missed you!" She hugged me tightly. "I missed you toooo!" George just smiled at my boss, then we went inside. We sat at a small booth and got coffee and bagels.

(I'm gonna put the names before every person who's talking just so you know and don't get confused.)

Tony (boss): "So. You're the guy who's taking her everywhere?"

George: "Heh. Yeah. Look, I'm sorry if I've been ruining business. You told me she was the nicest one here. I totally agree. Brooke's a bitch."

You: "George!"

Brooke: "What the fuck. Damn I'm unsubscribing."

Tony: "Wait. All of you stop." He pointed at George. "Aren't you the one who ran some of my customers off? And your friend shattered the glass door with his skateboard?"

George: "Oh uh. Yeah. I didn't think you were gonna mention that around y/n though..."

You: "I'm pretty sure I was off."

Tony: "Y'all leaving again soon?"

George: "Yeah. Tomorrow to LA for a live stream of my music with Rolling Loud and BoilerRoom."

Tony stood up after getting a phone call and rushed us out. Brooke hugged me goodbye and left. I held George's hand and smiled as we walked back. He looked down. "Why're you smiling?" I looked up at him and smiled. "You make me feel good. You're an earthly comfort." He giggled and leaned down a bit, dragging his finger under my chin and leading me into a kiss. "It's cute when you quote my music." I blushed and we kept walking. "I miss bear." George threw his sweater around me as I shivered with a harsh gust of wind. "I know. But until he gets all of his shots, we can't get him back. It's gonna be a while. But until then, we can get a fish." I giggled. We got to the steps of the apartment and went in, then went up to our floor. "So this is where we go our separate ways..." I laughed loudly. "George after you get packed, you're coming to my room." He smiled. "But it's gonna be hard for me to be gone so long..." I raised my eyebrows. I see what you're doing here, talking about your dick. We aren't having sex tonight so don't get too... cocky." He smiled. "That was perfect." He kissed me and lead me into his room without breaking the kiss. He fondled with his doorknob and we got in. He picked me up and pressed my against a wall, kissing me as my arms were held above my head. Finally, he let me down and took off my shirt and pants. I grabbed his shoulders, putting him on the bed and standing up. I slowly pulled down his black sweatpants and smiled as I rubbed my nose on his. Quickly, he undid my bra and slid my panties down, pulling me onto him.
And.... well. You know what happened.
     Yeah I told you I wasn't gonna put out another one. I will try someday tho.
Word Count<>1053

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