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Your apartment
                                   Joji pov
     I woke up and smiled as I saw y/n. So peaceful while she slept. Her face mushed against the pillow and her lips puckered where her cheek was pushing them up. I kissed her lips, making a smile spread across her face as well as a light blush. I went out to the living room, still skipping where I was putting on my sweatpants. I picked up some mail from the floor and saw one from Japan directed to "Joji and y/n Miller." I opened it and saw a small letter.
"Hi guys. We miss you and heard you had a little fight. Y/n, we're sorry for his behavior. Joji, you better not lay one finger on that girl unless it's to love on her because if we see her and she has a bruise, you're getting slapped harder than the time I found you watching porn for the first time. Other than that, we love you and miss you. <3
Love, Asami and Hideki.

I heard my phone go off and I went to the couch where it was laying. I picked it up and answered it.


"Hey dude. Haven't seen you in forever. Down to hang tonight?"

"Uhhh... who is this?"

"Oh yeah. Sorry. It's Mark. We went to college together and we were always bar hopping."

"Oh shit. What's up man?"

"Ah. Not much. Just broke up with Skylar. That relationship lasted 7 years but fuck it."

"Damn dude. I'm sorry to hear that. Hell, I just got a girl."

"Nice! Wanna tell me about her down at Cubs?"

"Yeah. I'll see you there."

Y/n came out from the room in one of my hoodies on and wrapped her arms around me. I smiled and hugged back. "Morning baby." She whined quietly. "Morning. Who were you talking to?" I laughed lightly and ran my fingers under her shirt and along her sides. "My friend, Mark. Is it cool if I hang out with him today at about 7pm? We're just going bar hopping like the old times." She nodded. "Yeah. I was gonna invite Brooke anyways." I hugged her and thanked her, then made breakfast for the two of us.

     Y/n and Brooke were on the couch talking about random things while I got dressed. I walked out in a grey shirt and flannel painted pants with my Vans. I kissed her lips and told her bye, then walked out. The bar wasn't far away so I put my headphones in and casually walked while listening to random beats. I made up some words in my head, then scratched them out and gave up.  Before I knew it, I saw the bar sign lit up and a guy waiting by the front. "Hey Mark!" He saw me and ran over. "George. Holy shit you've hanged. Puberty actually hit you really hard." I laughed and we went inside. Several minutes later we were just talking about random things and my videos and music.

"So, tell me about that new girl of yours."

"Man. Well her name is y/n. She's super loving and caring. Hell, better than any other girl I've been with. They were in it for the money. She supports my music and channel."

"Got yourself a good one huh?"

"She's bad on the special occasions."

"Ha. So what does she look like?"

"She has these beautiful (e/c) eyes and hair soft as silk. Her smile makes my heart flutter and her lips. Man. Her lips are so soft. I could just kiss them all day." I closed my eyes and swayed as a spoke.

"Damn. Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm awesome. Why?"

"You've never talked about a girl like that before..."

"Probably because they all treated me like hair gel."

"Hair gel?"

"Yeah. I'm just something they get to hold them up so they can look for love. Then, once they find the love they wash me out. It's always like that..."

"Wow. That's deep."


"You have any pictures of her?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah hold on." I reached in my pocket and opened my phone, then went to my album that said 'baby girl' and clicked it.

"Wow. 4000 pictures of her?"

"Shut up." I clicked the picture of her and bear. "This is her and the puppy I got for her while we went to Japan."

"Awh. So cute."

"Better not be calling her cute."

"I'm talking about the puppy."


                                 Your pov
     Brooke had just left and it had only been five minutes until I heard a knock. I walked over and saw George at the door with some flowers. "Sorry I was gone for so long, forgive me?" I giggled and grabbed the flowers, putting them aside, and wrapping my arms around his neck, kissing him passionately. He chuckled and kissed back, then mumbled against my lips. "I guess me coming home is enough." I smiled and pulled away. "Yep. You have that alcohol and smoker breath." I giggled. He smiled at me and chuckled as well. I grabbed his hand and lead him to the room, pushing him onto the bed and climbing on him. He made a growing noise and bit on my shirt, then slid it over my head and smiled. I pulled up on his shirt and instantly burst out in laughter. "I thought that was your dick hair." I got off of him laughing loudly and he groaned as I looked back over at him. "It's okay. I'm just gonna go put on something more... comfortable. But I left my bag in my car so you're gonna have to wait baby.~" He bit his lip and nodded. I walked away and grabbed the keys to his apartment, then went inside and put on the Pink Guy suit. I zipped it up and looked in the mirror giggling. I went back into my room and I heard him yell from the room. "Did you run to your car or what?" I laughed a bit and acted like I was out of breath. "Yeah." I walked over to the doorway and put the hood over my head. "Ready baby?~" He laughed a bit. "Oh fuck yeah. Cmon, show daddy what you have on." I walked into his line of sight and watched his face fall. "Y/n what the fuck?!" I giggled and sat on the bed laughing. He looked over and smiled, then laughed along. "I think my dick got four inches shorter." I stripped off the suit and revealed my naked self in front of him. "Well then. He'll have to come out to accept my apology." I rubbed the small bulge through his underwear and felt it grow. I looked up and smiled as I pulled his boxers down, and immediately putting my mouth over his member. I bobbed my head up and down and looked up, watching as he sweat and looked up with his eyes closed, moaning loudly. Right before he was about to finish, I climbed on him and inserted him into myself, wiggling down. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cleavage as I slowly moved back and forth. He grabbed me tighter and flipped me over so he was now standing and I was laying on the bed. He grabbed my arms and held them above my head, pounding into me as I moaned loudly. About ten minutes later I came on his member and he pulled out, spraying cum across my chest.
     Had to write this while at dinner with my family.
Word Count<>1270

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