•38• {The End. Possible sequel.}

887 22 12

Your pov

After George and his mom were done speaking, she spoke in english again and walked me into the house, telling me jokes, and complimenting the clothes I was wearing. I yawned and she looked at me.


"Yeah. Just a bit of jetlag though. A cup of coffee would do the trick."

"Me and my husband just drank the last cup. I can drive to the store."

"No. Just relax." I giggled. "Is there a coffee shop nearby?"

"Oh yes. Just go down the street for about 20 minutes, then turn left on a "WTR st" and go for about 2 minutes. Its small and cute. Has a pikachu with a menu outside. You know-I'm sending Hideki out to pick up some decorations. Just follow him and break off."

"Thank you. And has a friendly gesture, i'd like the address to the pick-up so I can get it for you. I'll probably be super hyper after half of a cup."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course. Its no trouble." She smiled and wrote down the address, then handed me the small paper. I hugged her and went out the door, grabbing the keys.

"Drive safe y/n!" I heard her shout, causing me to smile.

I got in the car and started it up, then saw George coming out and waving for me to stop. I stopped and he hopped in, combing his hair from his face as I stared at him.

"What? I wanna go."

I giggled and drove out, looking at the sunset, then back at the road. I rolled down the windows and enjoyed the brisk wind hitting my body. I looked over and saw George's eyes on me the entire time.'What a cutie.' After the 20 minutes of casual talk about up-coming videos and starting my own YouTube channel, the Pikachu came into view. I pulled over to the small alley and parked behind the store, then walked around. George ran ahead to pull open the door for me with a cute, cheeky smile. I kissed his scruffy chin and thanked him, then walked in. He walked in after me, wrapping his arms around my waist and propping my feet on his so we were now waddling to the counter. The woman behind the counter looked at us and smiled.

"What can I get for you two love birds?"

"Anything thats basically like liquid cocaine. She needs it." He chuckled.

"Alright. Anything else?" She smiled.

"Oooh babe! Can we get some cake pops?" I looked up at him.

"Two dozen cake pops. Surprise us with the flavors."

He smiled and took his card out, swiping it through the machine. He waddled us over to the seats and waited for our names to be called. I heard our ship name get called out, making me blush and walk over to the counter, grabbing the two boxes and the two coffees on top. I brought them back and he grabbed his, sipping it. He shuddered and managed to mutter how strong it was. I sipped it as well and my eyes widened.

"Wow, I was gonna call you a pussy but it actually is pretty strong."

"Yeah. Guess that's what I get for ordering 'Liquid cocaine'." He giggled.

After I finished my coffee he looked at me, raising a bow as I shook my leg rapidly.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, super hyper. You ready to go yet?"

"Yeah. Just have to pick up moms stuff, then go back."

I got in the passenger seat this time and George drove since I was deathly scared to floor the pedal, being this hyped. There was still a couple of hours of sunlight left for us to slack off a bit and waste time so we stopped and picked up some coffee to make at the house, then some small plants and other things. We soon got to the huge Halloween themed store and went in, going to the counter. A large man came up and looked down at me.

THOM {Joji Miller x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now