Island of the Forgotten

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The next morning the food tray Astrid ate off of contained a note saying that Kindling will lead her to the Main Hall when she was ready. She ate quickly, washed her face in the fountain, tried to make herself look neat, and then followed the Nightmare from yesterday. The Black Knight was already there and when she arrived The Black Knight jumped to his feet enthusiastically.

"Glad you could come! I trust you sleep well?"

"Yes, thank you. That's an interesting room. Did you make it yourself?"

"I designed most of it and the carving, but a lot was from the dragons, under my supervision." The Black Knight stated.

"Huh. I didn't know dragons could carve," Astrid said.

"Believe me Miss Hofferson," The Black Knight chuckled, "There's a lot you don't know about dragons, but today you're going to see what they're capable of. You can leave your weapons here, you will not need them."

Reluctantly she placed her weapons in a corner. She hated the idea of not having a weapon on her, but she reminded herself that this was a diplomacy mission. "I don't anyone touching them," she ordered.

"No need to worry. Now, let's get started," he led Astrid down a different hallway adjacent from the one from last night.

Now that Astrid was closer to The Black Knight she had a better chance to look at him and noticed a few things odd about him. For one the helmet bore a slight resemblance to a bucket which had a black feather atop the helmet's right side, plus she also noticed some kind of lens covering the two eye slots, along with multiple small holes near where the mouth and nose were supposed to be, much like his comrade's helmets. She also noticed a few blades of grass attached to his armor. She asked him about this.

"This grass is called "Dragon Nip," and dragons absolutely love it. It has a very tranquilizing effect on them. You put it in front of their nose and all aggression melts away but if you get it too close and they might fall into a stupor. I always have a few on me as a precaution. Since I only wear a few it only takes effect when I'm right next to a dragon; standing close to one doesn't do anything. For instance, Kindling here is right behind us, yet isn't affected by it," the Black Knight explained.

"Will you need any today?" Astrid asked with concern.

"No, but I never take chances. Never know when an aggressive dragon might appear."

"I thought you can control them? Aren't you their leader?" Astrid questioned.

He sighed in annoyance. "No, I don't control dragons. They follow me and my Knights because they want to. Besides, not every dragon that comes here stays here. A lot just come here for a safe nest for a while, and they're not all at ease around humans."

"But you're still their leader?"

"Yes, years ago my dragon and I defeated an Alpha Dragon, freeing the dragons from her tyranny. On this Island, all are seen as equals, humans or dragons. But the six of us and our dragons are the most prominent members on the Island." He explained.

"Plus The Elder herself, but Astrid doesn't need to know that." The Black Knight thought to himself.

Astrid nodded. "Okay, I think I understand. So what's up with the eye holes on your helmet?"

"Oh... these lenses allow me to see better," he said rather quickly and dismissively. "They're tinted, making it easier to see concealed dragons and keeping the wind out of my face when flying. Now, shall we get going?" He moved towards a section of the wall.

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