Dragon Training

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Once everyone except for Snotlout was out Hiccup walked over to Torch. "You ready?" Hiccup asked. Snotlout nodded.

"This is going to be good," Tiberius whispered to the others with a chuckle. Hiccup called out to Torch and he started to slowly approached Snotlout.

"See if you train Torch, Snotlout." Hiccup said putting his cheek back into his palm and watched as Snotlout ran towards Torch. In response, he sent a stream of fire at him. Snotlout was thrown backward and into a water barrel.

"Snotlout you okay!" Tuffnut laughed looking into the Arena. Snotlout grunted but didn't reply.

"Okay... well Snotlout you're out. Salamon, Abbas will you two please take him out of the Arena?" Hiccup asked and as the Knights looked behind him and saw three Vikings who'd walked up and witness Snotlout's failure.

"Hello 'Iccup." Gobber greeted with a wave as Stoick and Spitelout were walking up to him.

"Greetings. It's a lovely day to see a young man fail at Dragon Training is it not?" Abbas asked while he and Salamon were tugging Snotlout out of the Arena.

"Abbas that's not entirely necessary." Hiccup said not taking his eyes off of the Vikings. Spitelout glared at him and then turned his attention to his son.

"Wot happened ta Snotlout?!" Spitelout shouted running over to his son.

"He didn't listen to the directions given to him. So instead of training, he was fighting." Hiccup explained looking bored.

"Well apparently he's not ready fer a Typhoomerang," Fauques said as he walked out. Torch went over to Fauques and playfully nudged him. Fauques smiled and scratched Torch under the chin and hugged him.

"Well, atleast you're here to see the others and their training." Tiberius said as he gave Hiccup a look that said: "Let's hurry this up!" Hiccup nodded and pointed to the Twins. "Ruff, Tuff, you're up."

On their advice, it was suggested that the Twins should be paired with a Zippleback. "Remember a Zippleback has two head, pick one and we'll be fine. And please for the love of Thor, don't pick the same head... we rather not explain to your parents what happened to their children." The Twins looked at each other before they headed into the Arena.

"Take a seat hopefully; they'd listen to you; Tiberius and Salamon." Hiccup said as he turned his gaze back to the Arena and got ready to pull the lever to the Zippleback's cage. "You're ready?" Hiccup called down looking at the Twins. They looked at him and held their thumbs to show they're ready. Hiccup pulled the lever and called to them. "The gas head is Barf and the spark head is Belch. Try to train them."

Once the green Zippleback flew out, it spotted the Twins and raced towards them. Hiccup and the Knights could tell by Stoick and Gobber's reaction that they wanted to jump down there and help the Twins.

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