Mild Concerns

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A/N: As usual I don't own any aspect of HTTYD, everything goes to their proper owners. So please don't stone me.


While Toothless and Hiccup were rolling down the hill at great speeds Tiberius and Kindling with the help of Fishlegs and Meatlug they'd just returned from throwing the Dragon Root pieces into the ocean. They landed by Fauques and the other as they watched Hiccup jump off of Toothless and roll.

"Okay 'e' crazy," Gobber stated as he stood next to Stoick.

"I think I caught on to that a long time ago." Stoick nodded in agreement.

"He's not crazy... he's just having fun." Gabriela abruptly said once she heard Hiccup laugh. Everyone watched Hiccup and Toothless rolling down the hill and down into the ocean. They quickly ran over to the docks and looked around hoping to see Hiccup and Toothless.

But at the time the two were playing underwater.

"Hiccup?" Gabriela gasped as she and the other Knights looked at the water frantically. Gabriela tried to jump in but Tiberius promptly pulled her back.

"No! We have to go and get him!" Gabriela screamed as tears were threatening to run down her cheeks.

"Remember Toothless is with him, Gabriela. He'll be fine." Tiberius said putting a hand on her shoulder. Gabriela nodded and pulled herself back under control.

Just then Hiccup's and Toothless's head popped up and they stared in shock at the two. Hiccup moved his bangs out of his eyes and then looked at them. He laughed and started to swim around; his smile grew as Toothless followed him in a chase. Soon he and Toothless dived underwater. Hiccup reappeared a few feet away.

When Toothless didn't resurface everyone on the docks and Hiccup looked around. "Toothless?" They heard Hiccup called looking below him. It was then the group on the docks spotted Toothless's head just barely out of the water as he swam towards Hiccup, his eyes slits with mischief.

He looked at the group then his eyes went back to Hiccup and he used his tail to make a little wave. The wave splashed and everybody out of the water laughed slightly as Hiccup gasped in surprise. Hiccup was struggling to stay up as he splashed Toothless with his own little wave.

Toothless then gently started to push Hiccup down with his snout and the group at the docks could just barely hear the sound of Hiccup muttering "useless reptile." Then he dived under Toothless and soon he was lifted out of the water by Toothless's tail and set on Toothless's back.

The small group on the docks watched as the two made their way back. They listened to Hiccup's talk and they smiled weakly as Hiccup complained about getting out. Toothless gave them a "leave us alone" look as he passed and laid Hiccup down as he was fast asleep by his side.

"Okay, I'm going, you only make the mistake of watching a Night Fury sleep once," Abbas warned as he walked quickly with Salamon and Fauques right behind him. Gabriela and Tiberius stayed behind and waited for the others to leave. Snotlout, Fishlegs, Ruffnut, Tuffnut, and Gobber walked away with them, but Astrid and Stoick stayed behind with Gabriela and Tiberius for a little while longer. Toothless opened one eye and growled softly in hopes that he didn't wake his Rider.

He didn't.

"Okay okay, Toothless we'll go." Gabriela gently said as she and Tiberius walked away. Astrid followed her, but Stoick stayed behind. He walked a little closer to the two and ignored Toothless's quiet hisses. He bent over to take a closer look at his ex-son. He looked so much like his mother that Stoick gasped.

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