Drago Bludvist

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A/N: Well

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A/N: Well... it's that time of the year again; the sun shines, birds fly, and new things are coming out.

As many of Star Wars fans know, it's nearly May 4th, and to celebrate (besides rewatching the movies, tv shows, books, or going Disney Land,) I'm going to do what I've been doing for the longest time... sound off each day with a Star Wars movie related pun.

And of course, I'd never forget about HTTYD; for HTTYD fans one chapter a day until the weekend of Star Wars is over.

So the first day I've always dubbed: "Star Wars: The First Menace." *Please don't stone me I own nothing.*

It's funny how people hated Ahsoka in the Clone Wars Movie, yet they cried when she left. I'm guilty of the latter.

Anyways, since I'm done faffing about, It's time we move on to the main event. On with the story.


The man walked through the darkness for a few minutes not even trying to look where he was going. He knew this cave like the back of his hand. Then he made his way out into daylight. Or as much daylight that could be shown.

"Sir, how much longer?" The Second in command asked.

"Jest wait... 'e' gonna ta report back to us soon. We jest need ta be patient." The Chief replied.

"But wot if 'e' decides that this allegiance isn't worth it?" The Second in command asked.

"Oh 'e' will. Cause no one hate dragons more than me." The Chief laughed.

"Fer my name isn't Alvin the Treacherous." Alvin laughed evilly as he started walking towards the arena.

"But still, what if 'e'..." Savage started only to shut up when Alvin glared at him.

"Trust me, Savage. It won't be our problem if 'e' decides against this alliance." Alvin stated as he started to leave again.

"I don't know sir... 'e' might hate dragons as well, but 'e' completely insane. Why should we even work with 'em?" Savage stubbornly pressed on.

"Are ya going ta keep complainin' or wot?" Alvin asked crossly. Savage sighed and nodded before he walked away. Alvin stood there and thought about what Savage said.

He made a point.

What if they both get double-crossed by him?

"KNOT! Come 'ere!" Alvin shouted. A buff man stumbled out of a tree where he was well hidden.

"Yes, sir!" Knot said saluting Alvin. Knot was a good sized Viking. His black beard was as explosive as any and his helmet covered most of his face. His eyes were a muddy brown, they looked dead. Though being on Outcast Island will do that to a person after awhile.

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