Even Stranger Dreams

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A/N: Day two of Star Wars week since always, I dubbed this day...

Star Wars: Attack of the Second.

Experience outranks everything- Captain Rex


Stoick shot up from where he was laying and gasped. It had been so real to him as if everything was happening right then and there. Alvin, talking to Drago and some other man locked in a cage... as if that could ever happen.

He was about to stand up and continue his chiefing until right in front of him was none other than Hiccup showing up from behind a tree.

That's when Stoick realize he wasn't in his home anymore, but he was in a forest. He also realized that this isn't the Hiccup who's not afraid of anything. In fact, this Hiccup looked scared to death.

Hiccup was gasping for air, beads of sweat were rolling down his face, and he was bleeding badly from his right shoulder. He slid down the trunk of a tree and stared straight through Stoick who was now leaning on a tree, not ten feet away from Hiccup.

Hiccup's chin began to quiver and soon he pulled his legs up to wrap his good arm around them. He burst into tears in front of Stoick, and he sobbed for a few minutes. Stoick watched as Hiccup cried feverishly until they heard a twig snap. Hiccup froze and tried to push himself closer to the tree trunk. After a while, he looked around one side of the tree, trying to see the source of the noise. But as he did that, Alvin looked on the other side to see Hiccup sitting there with his back turned.

Alvin quickly grabbed Hiccup by his bad shoulder and pulled him off the ground. Hiccup screamed as pain shot through his body. He struggled to get out of Alvin's grip, but the harder he struggled the more pain shot through his arm.

Stoick watched in horror as Alvin slammed Hiccup to the tree and started whispering threats into his ear. Hiccup's eyes widened so much that they looked like shining green orbs. Alvin laughed and wrapped a hand around Hiccup's throat. Hiccup gasped and was now crying full on as he couldn't breathe.

"Quit yer cryin' boy!" Alvin laughed, throwing Hiccup on the ground where he rolled several times until he stopped at Stoick's feet. Hiccup tried to sit up but he was too weak to move. Alvin stomped up to him and grabbed him by the collar of his vest.

"Dad!" Hiccup screamed as Alvin tossed him to the other side of the clearing.

"Stoick's not 'ere!" Alvin laughed as he pulled out a dagger. "This is what ya get Hiccup fer runnin' away... again," Alvin sneered.

"No! Please... NO!" Hiccup screamed. Alvin slapped him across the face and pulled him up. Hiccup grunted and struggled to stay standing up. Alvin took the dagger and jammed into Hiccup's skin by the shoulder blade. Hiccup screamed in pain as Alvin slid the blade up through his shoulder.

"By Odin, what happened there?" Stoick said quietly.

"What was that?" Alvin suddenly said. He let go of Hiccup and Hiccup curled to the ground in a crying mess of blood and pain. Stoick froze where he had just recently stood up. He watched as Alvin got closer and closer and when he stopped right in front of him, Stoick held his breath.

"No!" Hiccup screamed leaping on Alvin and surprising him.

"Why ya little!" Alvin yelled throwing him off and onto the ground. Hiccup struggled to get back up but Alvin already grabbed him and threw him into the tree trunk behind him. Hiccup screamed as his head hit the trunk and he felt blood trickle down the back of his neck.

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