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A/N: Here's the latest news; unemployment is down, Stocks are up, and the UN has just declared global peace forever... now the real news. *Get the reference?*

Day three in Star Wars week, since always, I've dubbed this day...

Star Wars: Revenge of the Third.

Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise? - Chancellor Palpatine


Stoick felt as if he was getting pulled out of the spot he was standing in. Soon he jolted awake in his chair exactly where he had fallen asleep. He took in a few deep breaths and decided to walk in the moonlight to try and get his thoughts away from the strange dream that he just had.

At the same time, Hiccup woke up next to Toothless and he rubbed his sore head. "That was strange." Hiccup whispered as he stood up and looked at the sky. By the height of the moon it was at least midnight, so he woke Toothless up and then the both of them went on a moonlit flight.

As the wind pushed through his hair, Hiccup smiled and encouraged Toothless to fly higher. They flew into the clouds and Hiccup loved the moisture that hit his face and as the moon shone down on the pair. He decided to try and take his mind off the dream by leaping off of Toothless and soaring through the air towards the ground.

Stoick looked up and saw Hiccup falling out of the sky with Toothless right beside him. His eyes widened and he watched with shock as Hiccup screamed with delight. He saw Toothless tilt his back towards Hiccup and Hiccup grab hold of the reigns before hooking himself in. The pair leveled out just before hitting the ground and they landed a few feet away from Stoick. They didn't seem to notice Stoick. If they did, they didn't care.

"Nice job bud," Hiccup whispered, jumping off of Toothless. To Stoick, he seemed tired considering he had bags under his eyes and he stumbled as he jumped off of Toothless.

"Hello, Stoick." Hiccup greeted calmly.

"Hello, Hiccup. Why are you out so late?" Stoick replied.

"I was going to ask you the same question. You know Berk needs a chief who can stand... right?" Hiccup was teasing him and Stoick knew it, but it wasn't a good night to mess around with the chief of Berk.

"And don't those Knights of yours need to be watched?" Stoick snapped. Hiccup wasn't in the mood for Stoick's harsh words, so he held up his hands showing Stoick he wasn't a threat.

"Okay, okay... tonight just isn't either of our nights is it?" Hiccup looked at Stoick and his shoulders fell as he whispered. "Did you have some crazy dream too?"

Stoick sighed and nodded. "Aye, apparently Astrid, Snotlout, and Spitelout had some strange dreams too."

"I suppose you're right about me keeping an eye on my Knights, but they're adults and they've been given orders. Besides, I trust every single one of them with my life." Hiccup stated as he looked back at Toothless. Stoick understood what he meant. To him, Gobber was someone he trusted with his life.

"I can't always keep an eye on them. If I do they'll believe I don't trust them enough or at all, then what kind of leader would I be to them?" Hiccup whispered tiredly, snapping Stoick out of his thoughts. Stoick looked at Hiccup and watched as he turned on the spot and started walking away. "Well... I'll see you tomorrow Stoick." Hiccup said waving goodbye.

"See you tomorrow," Stoick muttered. Toothless was about to follow Hiccup, but he shook his hand and told him not to follow. Stoick raised an eyebrow and waited for Hiccup to walk far enough away until he was out of sight, then he walked up to Toothless.

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