Weapons and Stars

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Astrid talked to the other Knight's about their experience with dragons and most of it are the same. Abbas had met and befriended Sahara before going to England, Gabriela and Salamon occasionally saw dragons, Fauques and Tiberius rarely saw any dragons until they went to England.

She'd been wandering through the halls; beginning to think there's something she's not being told. Like something, she should know. Until she heard the echo of a hammer pounding away and slight singing. Rounding a corner she came into the forge and saw The Black Knight.

"What are you making?" Astrid's voice called out, making him turn to her.

"A new handle for Inferno," he said taking the Deathsong Amber Goggles off, with his helmet still on. "The old one's gotten a bit battered and worn down over the years."

Finding the button, Astrid stretched her arm out and pressed it, jumping a little when the blade became engulfed in flames.

"Wondering how it works?" The Black Knight asked, getting a nod from her.

"To spare you the details, one end coats the blade in Monstrous Nightmare gel," he explained pointing to the blade. "The other end sprays Hideous Zippleback gas when ignited, blowing it up."

"How long did it take you to make?" Astrid asked curiously retracting the blade and giving it back.

"Several months," The Black Knight replied, continuing his work. "Before Skullcrusher found us my dragon and I was exploring beyond the Archipelago when we heard the strangest sounds, which lured my dragon."

He then told Astrid about his encounter with the Deathsong and how it trapped his dragon. Because of the amber, it fires at its prey, preventing them from moving which was impervious to anything except heat.

"So after that incident, I got to work on my first flame sword," The Black Knight said finishing. "A little later I got the idea to add Zippleback gas as well, and after a few mistakes, failures, close calls, and months on end, I finally got Inferno."

Astrid had been listening and paying attention to The Black Knight throughout his story, and now she was looking around the forge, looking at all the different weapons that she never saw before.

"Most Knights," The Black Knight began, "once Knighted they usually have their shield and a choice between a longsword or a broadsword. Though traditionally, most knights would use the broadsword."

"Why are the shields shaped oddly?" Astrid questioned, noticing an ornate shield next to The Black Knight.

"The shield is shaped like a kite because it's easier to use on horseback rather than using a round shield. I also found it easier to use on the back of a dragon. Plus it's not just a shield." He said, muttering that last part.

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