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After returning to Berk and getting over a bout of motion sickness, courtesy of the Twins, Pate immediately went to the Chiefs in the Great Hall and shouted that Hiccup tried to kill him. At first, nobody believed him, but Pate's demands for justice were consistent that Stoick sent for his son. The others, especially Astrid and Fishlegs wanted to come with him, but he refused. Only Toothless came with him for moral support.

"Hiccup." Stoick coldly said. "Let's keep this simple. Pate says you tried to strangle him. Is that true?"

"Did he tell you everything that happened before that?"

Creighton, who was looking angrier (or as angry as he could get with his mask on,) quickly turned to his son. "Wot does he mean by that?"

"Nothing! He's just trying dodge the issue." Pate said contemptuously. Toothless was behind Hiccup and he growled dangerously.

Hiccup spoke formally. "I won't deny what I did, and I'm already wishing I hadn't. I believe we all did things we regret..." He took a sidelong glance at Stoick. "... But at the same time, Pate, you provoked me. Now, I know I shouldn't have risen to your provocation, but you shouldn't have acted the way you did either." He was then compelled to explain the day's events; hoping to avoid telling them about his time on Outcast Island, he'd hoped he never had to tell anyone that, but it was the only way they'd understand why he acted the way he did.

As he spoke he watched their expression. Creighton appeared to be angry, yet conflicted. On one hand, his son was attacked by an ally. Yet, his own son did bring it upon himself and acted in an inexcusable way. At first, Stoick was ready to strangle Hiccup when he heard the part about the Screaming Death, but when the story was finished, he looked ready to strangle Pate. And Bertha, who was the most neutral, was outraged when she learned that Pate had put the others, especially her own daughter, in danger. But all of them looked at least somewhat sympathetic when Hiccup told them about his time on Outcast Island.

During the time, Pate interrupted, often trying to make it sound like Hiccup's lying or exaggerating some details. Every time he went too far, Toothless growled loudly and he nervously fell silent.

"Well." Hiccup said when he was finished. "That's what happened. Do you deny it, Pate?"

"Apart from you trying to kill me, you've got it wrong!" He snapped.

"Then we'll ask the other Riders!" Stoick growled. "They all saw it!"

"Then they'll share the lie!" Pate spat. "They're trying to make me a scapegoat for their failures."

"What failures?" Bertha asked sharply.

"Did the others try to stop this?" Creighton inquired.

"They were probably hoping he finish me off." Pate calmly said.

"Considering that was the point where they interfered, I highly doubt it." Hiccup dully said.

"You telling me that while he was tormenting you, they did nothing to stop him?" Stoick shouted.

"Not exactly..." So much for not getting the others mixed up in this.

"That's enough!" Bertha said loudly. "This blaming will get us nowhere. Creighton, the way I see it, this is between your tribe and Stoick's..."

"No, it isn't." Hiccup quickly said. "This is between the Stone Shields and me. Creighton, I know I made a big mistake and I'm really sorry about it, but Berk had nothing to do with this! Punish me and I'll do it without complaining, but don't take it out on the others!"

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