In Question

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A/N: Right, so as of now I am currently publishing these next few chapters in US Eastern time. I do hope everyone who celebrates the holiday enjoyed themselves. Other than that, on we go with the chapter.


"Snotlout you're snoring," Ruffnut said then she proceeded to kick Snotlout from under the table. Snotlout grunted but didn't wake up.

"Sorry about him." Fishlegs apologized.

"Oh don't bother, Salamon is sleeping too." Tiberius exasperated. As if on cue Salamon let out a loud snort and the group laughed.

Astrid looked around the Great Hall. "Wow, we've been here so long the only people left in here is Stoick, Gobber, and Mildew."

"I'm guessing Mil-whatever his name is complaining about us being here," Gabriela sighed.

"If ya don't remember Gabriela, 'Iccup said that we'll be fine as long as they don't harm any of our dragons," Fauques noted.

"And what would happen if we do harm your dragons?" A new voice asked.

Almost everyone at the table jumped with fright. They looked up and saw Stoick and Gobber standing over them. Salamon and Snotlout woke up drowsily and yawned.

"Well?" Stoick repeated.

"Well... um...," Gabriela began trying to think of a way to put it. Salamon then sighed making everyone turn to him. "If you harm even a random dragon then we'll just leave and not help you at all, and believe me, Berk needs us. But if you were to harm one of our dragons then he'll call for war on Berk." Salamon explained before falling back asleep.

"SALAMON!" Tiberius yelled pouncing on him and started to punch him. Abbas and Fauques ran over to the now awaken Salamon and a very angry Tiberius. Abbas and Fauques grabbed Tiberius by the arms. Tiberius didn't notice and if he did he was ignoring them.

"Salamon you know perfectly well... That... it's... Hiccup's... decision... alone... not... OURS!" Tiberius shouted landing a punch with every syllable he spoke.

Abbas then gave a forceful pull and Tiberius flew off of Salamon. Salamon himself was confused and he had a bloody nose. "Apologies. I was half asleep and I didn't even notice I was talking." Salamon defended, as he started to stop the bleeding. Tiberius finally stopped struggling and calmed as he started to grab a piece of cloth to wipe Salamon's blood off his fist.

"Why not?" Stoick asked crossing his arms and staring sternly at them. The Knights looked at each other. Fauques then looked at the doors and motioned for his comrades to huddle closer to him. He started whispering to the others and they nodded, they looked up at the people of Berk then they bent their heads again and started whispering again.

After a while, Gabriela and Abbas nodded and walked out of the Great Hall, Tiberius and Salamon stood by the doors. Fauques stayed where he was and looked around the room before he moved closer to Stoick and Gobber.

"We're not allowed ta tell you because Hiccup believes if we told you, then ya would try ta start a war first... he doesn't want to spill unnecessary blood, but 'e' will if he has to." Fauques finished his comment with a dark look. Stoick looked at him thoughtfully and then asked. "Well I told the tribe not to harm any dragons... so he was excepting us to go behind his back and harm them anyways?"

Fauques shook his head vigorously and said. "No, of course not! It's just if ya started attacking us before 'e' had a chance to talk 'bout the offer and hurt or kill one of our dragons Hiccup WILL retaliate."

Gobber only nodded. "That seems fair, luckily 'e' didn't attack." Stoick looked calmer now since Fauques explained himself. But then again there is always someone who doesn't see the way everyone else does.

"Now Stoick! Ya can't 'ave that traitor running-a-mock 'round Berk now that 'e' know what 'e' could do to Berk for being Vikings! If anythin' we should be able ta attack dragons if they attack us!" Mildew exclaimed.

Fauques sighed in annoyance. "Now Mil... uh... whatever yer name is. 'Iccup told all of ya we'll be taking care of the dragons including any hostile ones. So ya might as well be thanking him for atleast keeping your cabbage safe."

Mildew suddenly narrowed his eyes. "How do ya know I grow cabbage?"

Fauques grinned and looked away knowing he said too much and everyone heard him mutter a curse.

Mildew smiled arrogantly. "Well, how do ya know? You're old enough to talk, but if ya can't that just proves that you're too young and should go home ta your parents."

Fauques's grin immediately disappeared and balled his free hand into a fist. "I DON'T 'AVE A HOME! MY PARENTS ARE DEAD YA GOOD FOR NOTHING FETCHER...," Fauques stopped short as Tiberius whispered something to him, waiting for Fauques to calm down.

"Wow Mildew, I'd be careful about what you say," Tuffnut said smiling at his sister. Astrid shot a glare at the Twins, making them sink into themselves.

"See, Hiccup had told us all about Berk when he lived here, from the youngest person to the oldest building on the island. He told us about who used to bully him and who was actually nice to him... which was Gobber." Tiberius explained and checked on Fauques.

Gobber smiled to himself and said. "I saw ta potential in ta lad from ta time 'e' was born...," Gobber explained and then frowned. "I just thought it would be inside of Berk." Everyone nodded in agreement to what Gobber said, most of the young adults looked ashamed at themselves for treating Hiccup so poorly all those years and Stoick was thinking of the times he would actually act like a father to Hiccup.

He couldn't think of anything.

"So, if ya know what's good for ya Mildew you'll keep that trap of yours shut!" Fauques hissed still seething with anger. Tiberius put a hand on his shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

Astrid struck of a question that came to mind and asked. "Hey, so what exactly are we doing tomorrow?" Fauques and Tiberius smiled to themselves. "We'll take our leave now," Fauques replied with a bow as he and Tiberius raced out of the room.

"Okay... that wasn't weird at all."

Mildew sighed and sarcastically said. "I'm sure 'Iccup will go easy on ya, but those dragons won't." He then walked out of the Great Hall, muttering under his breath.

Stoick shook his head and faced the young adults. "Don't worry, Hiccup won't kill you, neither will the dragons while those Knights are here."


Original date published: April 1, 2018

Date revised: ?????

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