Now... We Rebuild

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The sky was now gray as the sun began to drift towards the horizon. Thanks to the dragons improvising as fire brigades and with the help of the villagers, most of the fires were put out. What was left of the burnt buildings were now smoldering wrecks.

At times like this, Stoick found it hard to be Chief when he only wanted to look for his son. He did so at every opportunity that came up but as Chief, people kept coming up to him asking for help, so he naturally had to give them his attention. Thankfully, Gobber was around to help search for them. The Blacksmith had miraculously gotten through the battle without a scratch on him, mostly because he was busy managing the forge and supplying weapons as opposed to fighting. The forge was still damaged, but it had survived better than other buildings.

It was quite a while after The Conqueror exploded that Stoick finally found the person he was looking for, Hiccup had finally returned, supported by Astrid, had finally emerged from the forest. Behind them were Toothless, the Knights and their dragons, and the Skrill and its Rider. Ase was clinging to Astrid's leg crying her eyes out. Stoick spotted the limp body of Peer on the Night Fury's back and his stomach knotted again. Hiccup had numerous makeshift bandages wrapped around his arms and legs, looking like he was about to fall over. The sight alone tore at Stoick's heart, much like when Hiccup was tortured. He couldn't act as Chief anymore. With tears in his eyes, he instantly ran over to them and hugged his son as tightly as he could.

"Hey, Dad." Hiccup said hollowly.

It took some time for Stoick to think of what to say. At last, all he could get out was. "What happened, son?"

"Long story. Short version; Drago's dead and the Skrill rider was a friend under control."

"Dead?" Stoick repeated, as though it didn't register.

"Dead." Hiccup shifted his weight slightly. "It's over. We won." Now he can finally look over the battlefield for the first time, he wondered if he would've felt worse if they lost.

Stoick spoke up again. "Hiccup, that ship... the Twins said you were on it."

"Yeah, I made it blow up." He smiled slightly, then he suddenly looked alert. "Alvin. Where are they?"

Stoick shook his head. "There's been so much I haven't been able to complete inventory on who we've captured."

"I saw him earlier." Astrid interrupted. "I threw a knife in his eye."

"How considerate of you." Hiccup replied. "Is he dead?"

"I don't know." She frowned. "I know it didn't outright kill him."

"Well, if you find him alive I want to talk to him. Make sure he's well-guarded."

"I'll see to that," Stoick replied. "You're certain Bludvist is dead?"

"He couldn't have survived what was done to him." Astrid quietly said. Stoick looked at her but kept silent. His gaze shifted over to the dragons and three of the Knights. In one case, dried up blood was around their mouths, in the other, bits of blood were splattered on their surcoats. He decided to not press the subject and instead said. "I guess that means all the leaders are dead or caught, except Alvin. Good. Then there's no chance of them reorganizing. So, it's really finished."

Astrid looked over at Ase, who was still crying silently. "I'd better take her to her mother... and talk to Peer's family." A lump formed in her throat.

"I can do that part." Hiccup offered.

"Thanks, but I'll manage," Astrid replied a little awkwardly.

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