The Sun's Height

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Solaire's ship had been at sea for one day now. The voyage had started out with the crew, especially Solaire, twitching with excitement, but it was only a matter of time before everyone got bored. The excitement of anticipation had gone from being thrill to stifling to nonexistent.

Once they had set sail, Solaire went over to Toothless' cage and said to him. "All right, you're going to direct us to your special island, failure to do so and we'll kill Hiccup. Understand? Keep your head forward and only turn it when we need to change direction. Remember, your actions will determine if your wretched human lives or dies."

Ever since then, Toothless had been cramped and was forced to stay still for most of the voyage. His head was pointing in one direction, the cage was too small to comfortably stretch out in, and the bounds around him frequently dug into his skin and itched in places he couldn't scratch. How he'd managed to endure all this while worrying about Hiccup, he had no idea. His only consolation was that it wouldn't last for much longer.


"Tiberius are you sure the two of us can handle this?" Gabriela asked as they prepared to leave Berk. "Wouldn't it be more sensible to bring others with us?"

"Relax, Gabriela. It's a simple rescue. We fly in, disable the ship, free Toothless, and get him back home. At worst it'll take ten minutes. We shouldn't get anyone else involved."

"But isn't that Skrill with them?"

"The Terror Scouts haven't seen it, so I doubt it. I don't think Drago's going to risk using it unless he absolutely has to. More than likely, he's saving it for the battle."

"There's something else wrong here, the Gronkle Rider said something about the Skrill having a Rider as well," Espada growled.

"Hopefully, it's not as bad as they say." Kindling replied.

"And what about rescuing Hiccup?"

"We'll need to worry about that after we rescue Toothless. Now, shall we?"

"After you, Mi Amor," Gabriela replied with a slight bow.


Toothless's main concern was Hiccup. At first, Toothless feared they had his human imprisoned somewhere below deck, probably guarded by the Skrill. He eventually decided Hiccup wasn't on the ship, though he knew the Skrill was. Another source of worry that disturbed him was the fact that Solaire was working with Drago. While apart of him was impressed that he'd managed to tame and ride a dragon, a Skrill no less. It bothered him that he's working with Drago. Which, he knew Solaire wouldn't join Drago, willing of course.

He did, however, notice that... thing atop his head. He knew it was a type of parasite, but it's the likes of which he'd never seen before. The creature seemed to be staring at him with such a mocking gaze. Though, it was hard to tell because of its glowing red eyes. Toothless had no desire to watch that thing, so he suddenly turned his head to the right. Thus far he'd kept his head point straight, so this movement sent waves of excitement throughout the crew. The ship was set in motion and as night began to fall they were nearing a small and relatively flat island in the middle of nowhere. Toothless kept his head pointing at that island. Right before they ran into, Solaire ordered them to stop while he got out and took a look around.

"What is this?" He shouted. "This is not the Island!"

"Solaire snap out of it! You're being controlled!"

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