The New Dragon Riders

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A/N: Okay, so first and foremost: I'm terribly sorry for not updating in quite awhile. With the combination of a birthday in the family, Father's Day, and me typing a new story that's been in my mind.

So without further ado, on with the story, and as usual, I don't own any aspects of HTTYD. Everything belongs to their proper owners.


The following day, the Bog-Burlgar and Stone Shield ships finally arrived. Nearly 30 ships crowed their way into Berk's harbor. Bertha was among the first to disembark, followed by her daughter Camicazi.

"Stoick! This is irregular! We got the message begging for aid in rescuing you, and I rushed to help at once, then a few days out I receive another message saying you've already been rescued! All the while I'm getting news from passing ships telling me of a great battle with the Berserkers and your dead son is alive and the ruler of these dragons!" She spotted Hiccup and looked at him. "So, you're The Black Knight?" She shook Hiccup's hand warmly.

"You look a lot better than you did last time. That must have been... how old are you now lad?"


"22? You look younger."

"I feel older." Hiccup mumbled in Dragonese. Camicazi now approached him, who Hiccup hadn't seen in over a decade. Astrid's description was accurate; she was incredibly beautiful, with long golden hair, a thin but muscular body, and lovely blue eyes.

"Hello, Hiccup." She smiled. A smile that would make almost any man's heart flutter.

In his mind, however, Camicazi couldn't hold a candle to Astrid. Instead, he acted like they were old friends.

"Hi, Camicazi." He said easily. "It's been awhile, hasn't it?"

"You've been busy, from the looks of it." She suddenly came forward and gave him a fierce hug, which made his back hurt again.

Further down the docks Snotlout and Fishlegs stared with wide eyes.

"When did Camicazi become a goddess?" Snotlout whispered

"Gorgeous, where have you been all my life?" Fishlegs whispered.

Ruffnut walked over to them. "Um, guys? You're drooling. And... hey, is that Camicazi?" She suddenly became enraged. "She's hugging my Hiccup?!"

"Your Hiccup?" Tuffnut snorted. "Don't let Astrid hear you saying that!" Luckily for Ruffnut, and possibly for Hiccup and Camicazi, Astrid was in the woods with her students. Someone was sent to fetch them, but they've yet to find them.

Camicazi pulled out of the embrace. "I must say, you're in good shape, all things considered."

"Thanks. Now kindly give me my sword."

Camicazi looked puzzled.

"Cami, picking someone's pocket while hugging them is the oldest trick in the book. Hand it over."

"Fine." She revealed Inferno was in her hand and gave it to him. "You're good. Most men would never notice that... until it's too late!"

Bertha looked at her daughter proudly.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Hiccup Haddock. Back from the dead are ya?" A seemingly chilling voice came.

The group parted to see a man shrouded in strange armor. The man wore metal armor made of interlinking metal rings, along with metal gloves and boots. The man also wore a robe which has colored a faded dark blue; in the center of the robe was the image of an animal with large antlers which was colored white. He also wore a steel mask which covered his entire head minus two eye slots. On his hip was an axe with a pointed end.

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