Berk and the Black Knight

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"Hiccup? Is... is that really you?" Stoick asked, still taken by surprise.

"Of course, I'm more different than what you saw seven years ago." Hiccup said and started to walk around the village plaza.

He moved slowly, but also threatening. Stoick watched as Hiccup was looking at each one of the buildings. Stoick couldn't help but watch as Hiccup thoughtfully shook his head.

Hiccup then turned back to Stoick and walked up to him, raising his hand. "I am the Leader of the Knights of the Dragonriders, who just so happens to be The Black Knight."

Stoick didn't shake his hand; he was still in disbelief that his own son willingly came back to Berk and was standing before him. "Hiccup, what... what happened to you?" He questioned.

"Why must you be concerned about my past since you're the one who caused it?" Hiccup challenged.

"What do you mean?" Stoick asked in confusion, but Hiccup only chuckled coldly.

"Not here, people are starting to gather." Hiccup stated, noticing his Knights arriving on the scene and not even bothering to face the villagers who began to listen and some were even muttering among themselves.

Stoick nodded. "In the Great Hall, perhaps?"

Hiccup shook his head. "No, how about on my ship, it's nice and quiet and no one will listen."

Stoick didn't like the idea of going on his son's ship, but since The Black Knight had arrived he felt that it must be important.

"Fine, but I want Gobber to come," Stoick stated and Gobber folded his arms.

Hiccup nodded, "But of course. I also want five others to join us. Astrid Hofferson, Fishlegs Ingerman, Tuffnut and Ruffnut Thorston and Snotlout Jorgenson."

At the sound of their names they jumped and hesitantly walked forward to Hiccup.

"Yes?" Astrid asked, secretly surprised to see Hiccup here on Berk.

"Oh, don't worry now. I just want to talk to all of you about war. Nothing more, nothing less." Hiccup said as he turned and made his way to his ship.

The other followed obediently behind him as he walked towards the docks. No one talked as they entered the ship and Hiccup took them to a large cabin.

"Toothless I'm back!" Hiccup called as he pulled off his cloak and hung it on a hook.

The group of Berk, minus Astrid gasped as they saw Hiccup's clothes.

His clothing was colored dark gray that appeared to be made out of linen or perhaps the rare material of silk with the Knights of the Dragonrider insignia dead-center on the chest, he also wore black leather boots and gloves, and a black cape that went down just below the back of his waist. This gave him the appearance of looking almost like a foreign prince.

As Hiccup walked over to one end of a long table, a Night Fury lept out of the shadows and pounced on Hiccup. The group from Berk minus Astrid watched in horror and was at a loss for what to do.

"Oh! The Night Fury's attacks are back on Berk, aren't they, you useless reptile!" Hiccup said trying to push Toothless off.

But he wouldn't budge.

"Toothless! If you don't get off me this instant I swear to Odin I'll stop feeding you!" Hiccup threatened.

"Um... who's Toothless?" Tuffnut asked.

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