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A/N: I'm back n' better than ever, I just been working on other stories and whatnot (by that I mean getting back into a game I've been procrastinating over for years. Fallout: New Vegas if anyone's wondering.) Other than that on with the story.


The group walked into the hut all the while Gabriela and Astrid were setting Hiccup down on a chair. Hiccup hissed as the pain shot through his body.

"Sorry!" Astrid and Gabriela exclaimed simultaneously.

"It's okay." Hiccup gasped, leaning back in the chair.

Gothi went over to Hiccup and looked him over carefully before showing him her best smile, which made Hiccup shiver a bit.

"Ah, she remembers ya 'Iccup!" Gobber exclaimed, rummaging through the cabinets. He grabbed some herbs and a bowl and then set them on a table to mix the ingredients up.

Hiccup gave Gothi a small smile and looked away to hum a song and patted his knees to the beat.

He kept humming for at least another five minutes until Gobber finished the antidote. By then everyone was starting to get driven crazy by the humming. Hiccup didn't seem to care because he kept humming and when Gobber handed him the antidote he drank it pausing for only a second afterward then started humming a different tune.

"Shut up!" Snotlout finally yelled. Hiccup looked up startled then he looked at the second cup Gobber handed him and started humming another tune.

Everybody sighed, irritated as Hiccup swallowed the antidote and regained his tune.

"I think 'e' needs more than two cups." Gobber mumbled. Gothi nodded in agreement and grab more herbs to mix up.


A few hours later.

"Well, 'e's probably not gonna to be able to walk for awhile," Gobber stated while helping Gothi patch Hiccup up.

"But he needs to train us!" Snotlout replied crossly.

"Snotlout! He's injured!" Astrid shouted, slapping Snotlout in the back of the head.

Hiccup watched uninterested and looked over at the Knights. "Make sure they get their dragons and teach them how to fly, will you?" Hiccup asked huffing slightly as the pain exploded in his chest.

It took five cups of the antidote to get him to calm down and back to his sane self, but it didn't help with the pain. Hiccup was going to be stuck indoors for quite awhile and he didn't like it one bit.

"Sure Hiccup," Gabriela replied.

"I don't think that's a really good idea," Stoick said.

"I don't care." Hiccup hissed angrily. "Gabriela you're teaching Astrid, Abbas you're teaching Fishlegs, Tiberius you're teaching Snotlout, Fauques and Salamon you're teaching the Twins. Starting tomorrow at midday is the training session." Hiccup hissed as the pain shot through his body and he bit his lip to stop himself from screaming out in pain.

"What about Toothless?" Astrid asked.

"Well... unless you want him to destroy the village one of you will have to accompany Toothless on his flight." Hiccup replied once the pain passed.

"I'll do it." Tiberius volunteered. Hiccup nodded and said. "Knights you're free to do whatever you like, just try not to cause any trouble for Berk." The Knights nodded and left the hut, mounting their dragons and taking off.

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