The Morning Of

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A/N: Right, I'm back after a long while. Couldn't update for quite awhile because it's been kinda stormy where I'm living. Even losing access to the Internet for days from one of the more severe storms.

Anyways, nearly wrapping up with this story, just a few more chapters to go.

So, other than that, on with the story! And as usual, I don't own any aspects of HTTYD, everything goes to their respective owners.


In the Jorgenson household, breakfast was silent and somber. Snotlout especially was in a glum mood, which perplexed Spitelout. The last time he'd saw his son in such low spirits was when his mother had died, a perfectly understandable time to be depressed. But Spitelout couldn't understand why his son was acting so dejected now.

"I'm worried about Hookfang." Snotlout said when his father finally asked him what had gotten into him.

"Why are ya worried 'bout that beast?"

"He hasn't come back! He's still missing! Why shouldn't I worry about him?"

Spitelout smiled archly. "Son, we're alone. Ya don't need ta keep the act up fer me. And frankly, after what jest happened, ah would say ya need ta rethink yer tactics. Ah, doubt people will be too fond of dragons after this, and as fer being 'Iccup's second in command, 'e' not gonna make Chief if 'e' doesn't get 'emself down here soon!" Spitelout laughed. "Ya know, if Astrid backs out now, ya could still become Chief!"

"Is that all you think about? And I thought you said to always assume we're being watched."

"True, but ya don't 'ave ta pretend fer me. Ah, know yer only sidin' with them dragons as an act, ya don't need ta worry 'bout the beast being missing."

Snotlout swallowed. "Actually, Dad, the fact is... is I'm not acting."

"Say what?"

"I'm not pretending to worry about Hookfang. I am worried about him!"

Spitelout's expression was turning dangerous. "Did that traitor get ta ya too, Snotlout?"

"Not exactly." Snotlout sighed. "Dad, I did think at first of just pretending to take his side, but... I like riding Hookfang. And as for Hiccup, I know we were rivals for a long time, but on Berserk, he put everything behind him to help us get out, and I felt I should do the same. As for being Chief, Dad open your eyes, why would Stoick make me Chief now? He probably never intended to make me Chief! Who wanted me to be Chief in the first place, besides you, Mildew, and a few others? Dad, I'm tired of playing this game, I just wanna ride Hookfang and go on cool adventures, not be the focus of everyone's scorn and disgust!" He looked warily at his father, who was trembling with anger.

"So, all of it, was a lie?"

"Not all of it... not exactly, anyway."

"Get out," Spitelout growled.

Snotlout exploded. "So that's how it is? You welcome me as long as I lie to you and you throw me out once I tell the truth? Sheesh, maybe Hiccup had the right idea about leaving home!"

"GET OUT!" Spitelout roared.

"Have you ever cared about me, Dad?" Snotlout shouted back.

"I SAID GET..." They both froze when they realized someone was frantically pounding on the door. Spitelout stormed over to it. "WOT?"

Fishlegs suddenly felt small and timid as he looked at the enraged Jorgenson, but he ignored his personal feelings. "Sir, you might want to know that Drago's ship has arrived and Stoick wants everyone to man their positions at once!"

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