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A/N: A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... (by that, I mean several years ago.) Star Wars was forever changed when Disney bought Star Wars, and since then, well... a lot has changed.

So this day I've dubbed:

Star Wars: The Seventh Awakens.

Our time has come. For 300 years, we prepared. We grew stronger. While you rested in your cradle of power, believing your people we safe... protected. You were trusted to lead the Republic but you were deceived, as our powers over the dark side had blinded you. You assumed no force could challenge you and now... finally... we have returned.- Darth Malgus


They've been flying for about two hours when Hiccup couldn't take it and called for them to land on a small island, or more like a large rock, they were approaching. As soon as they landed Hiccup slumped off of Toothless exhausted.

"How bad is it?" Toothless asked anxiously.

"Pretty bad." Hiccup groaned as he slowly unclipped his cape and pulled his tunic off. Toothless took one look at his beaten torso and screeched with anger.

"Those... those monsters! I'll rip them to shreds! I'll fire at them until there's no skin left! Those... AUGH!" He was so angry that he couldn't express the words. He ordered Hiccup to turn over and began licking his wounds. Hiccup let out a loud sigh of relief. Toothless scowled.

"You go for a walk by yourself and what happens? You get captured and tortured!"

Hiccup just smiled. "Thanks, bud."

"You can thank me better by not getting injured like this!"

"I didn't exactly ask to be captured and beaten."

"Barbarians." Toothless spat. "Why are humans so cruel to their own kind?"

"Some do even worse bud." Hiccup said bitterly. He looked upwards and called to the dragons with Riders to land. The rest would return to the Island of the Forgotten and a handful would go to Berk, sending up signals they were successful.

Astrid and Gabriela were the first ones to land when they dismounted and saw Hiccup they screamed. His back was covered in dried blood. Long ugly crusted scabs crisscrossed along flaps of red skin, partly covering deep gouges.

"Oh Gods, Hiccup, I'm so sorry!" Astrid rushed over to him, with the others not far behind.

"What can we do?" Gabriela questioned.

"Wot does a dragon know 'bout healing?" Spitelout asked scornfully.

"He's healed me multiple times. Anyways, Night Fury saliva has healing properties to it."

Stoick tried to approach, but the Knight's dragons hissed at him. Stoick could only stare at the young man's back from a distance. He didn't know what to say or do.

The younger Riders were allowed to get close to Hiccup. Fishlegs poured the contents of his waterskin into his helmet and Astrid took a rag and began to wash his face. Gabriela and Ruffnut began to examine Hiccup's other injuries, while everyone else began to set up a makeshift campsite. Snotlout was glad he was able to do something to get his mind off everything that happened the last few days.

"We're going to be staying here for the night, sir. I hope that's okay with you." Tiberius told Stoick, who merely nodded.

"So, Gabriela," Astrid said. "What exactly was the plan?"

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