Deleted Chapter

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A/N: Okay so first thing's first

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A/N: Okay so first thing's first. This was going to be part of the story, but after multiple debates with myself, typing and re-typing and nearly deleting a chapter or two. Well... this chapter obviously didn't make the final cut.

So deleted chapter, deleted scene, honorable mention, call it what you will. I've decided that I may as well give everyone what the story was sort-of going to be like.

The overall story was pretty much going to be the same, except with a few minor changes.

The only major changes was going to be, having Hiccup return to Berk himself (and much earlier) rather than sending the two Knights. Hiccup's armor was originally going to be heavily based on the Elite Knight armor from the Dark Souls games. Hiccup's sword, Inferno was going to be his secondary weapon.

Asides from that, there's nothing else really worth mentioning. I suppose I was also on the fence about Toothless having his missing tailfin and Tiberius x Gabriela. I guess for the latter, I'd figured why not. And having Knight Solaire in was 50/50 as well. But as I've said, if I hadn't it basically would've been a crime.

Anyways, that's enough of that. I don't own any aspects of HTTYD. Now on with the missing chapter!


Seven years.

Seven long years filled with anguish, grief, and torment. If anyone could describe Stoick the Vast in one word. It would be one of these and several more words.

Seven years ago, Hiccup Haddock, the Chief's son, after being the village runt and embarrassment his whole life, his life seemed to suddenly turn around when the young boy started to perform well in Dragon Training.

At first, it was him simply subduing a Zippleback using nothing but a gesture of his hands. Ironic, a small scrawny boy instilling fear into a dangerous beast, weaponless. Gobber and the other trainees, who consisted of Astrid, Snotlout, Fishlegs, and the Twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut were completely flabbergasted at what they saw. And soon enough, Hiccup continued these feats, subduing the dragons without so much as hurting them. His performance was so good that he even managed to outshine Astrid, thus seemingly overnight, he went from the village runt to the most popular person on Berk. People would flock to him, wanting to know how he subdued the beasts, even most of the trainees, but he never uttered a single word to them.

So what changed? One would think that once their father heard about their son's success in Dragon Training the man wouldn't be filled with so much distress.

Prior to his start in Dragon Training, a dragon raid took place. A dragon raid that had the rare Night Fury. Hiccup, wanting to prove that he can be a Viking, disobeyed Gobber's order and left the forge, setting up his bola launcher on a cliffside. He did, however, successfully shot down the Night Fury, but it was soon after he was chased by a Monstrous Nightmare and he would've died had his father not intervened. Hiccup tried to defend himself saying that he actually shot down a Night Fury, but as usual, no one listened to him, and after receiving a public scolding from his father, he was promptly sent back to his home.

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