Rescue Pending

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A/N: It's that time of the year, the day Star Wars fans band together and rejoice in celebration.

Happy Star Wars Day to any and all! May the 4th be with you!

Since always, I dubbed this day:

Star Wars: A New Fourth

But you know what I always say: Speak softly and drive a big tank.- Hondo Ohnaka


Gabriela was sprinting through the forest as fast as she could, tripping a few times over protruding rocks and tree trunks sticking out, something that she would normally never succumb to, but soon she was able to make it to the Cove. She found that everyone was asleep except Tiberius who sitting next to a bonfire with Kindling by his side.

"Everyone, get up now!" Gabriela ordered.

Everyone, even the dragons were startled by the shout. Everyone immediately shot up with some minor complaints from Fauques, even the dragons shook their heads, wondering what was going on. But they knew something bad had happened.

"Gabriela, what is it? Did something happen?" Tiberius finally asked.

"Si, but there's no time to explain. Get your dragons ready and get your weapons, then meet me in the village square." She ordered and immediately mounted Espada and took off to the village.

"I hope this is important," Fauques grumbled as he tried to wake up.

"Obviously it is," Abbas commented. "She sounded like she was on the verge of panicking, and she's never one for panicking. Whatever happened this isn't good."

"Aye, I agree," Salamon quickly said, and then noticed Fauques anger. "Now's not the time Fauques, for all we know this could be a matter of life or death."

The Knights quickly got their gear ready for whatever happened. As soon as they were ready, they mounted their dragons and took off towards the village. When they were close enough they noticed a few people gathered around the village center.

"There's no way Dagur would've taken Stoick. That's just impossible." Gobber said with disbelief.

"I know it sounds crazy, but it's absolutely true. I saw him with my own two eyes." Gabriela stated.

"My daughter has been taken too and apparently the Jorgenson men as well." Olaf grimly reported.

"Oh, dear now isn't this somethin'?" Mildew said coming onto the scene. "Stoick the Vast taken by Dagur, I've warned y'all but did ya listen ta me? No, now we're paying ta price. This is what 'e' get when we trust these dragon-riding strangers. I knew no good would come of this n' now 'e' all 'ave ta pay the price."

Fauques felt the uncontainable rage boiling in him. He dismounted Torch and stomped over to Mildew and without warning, he punched him in the face. Mildew then fell to the ground clutching his now bleeding nose and stared up at his attacker.

"I had enough of yer crap old man! Dagur 'as provoked war with Berk n' ya still treating this like a spoiled king would! If I didn't know any better I'd say ya working with our enemies!" Fauques then suddenly pulled out his war hammer and pointed the spike end of the war hammer at Mildew. Mildew's eyes widened in horror as he saw a fire-like rage burning in Fauques's eyes. "Wot's stopping me from guttin' ya right now? Or perhaps caving in yer skull? No one 'ere likes ya anyways and if yer is really a traitor I'd be doing everyone a favor." Fauques said as he brought the spike closer to Mildew's neck, but was stopped. He turned his head to see Tiberius holding his war hammer back.

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