Prison Escape

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A/N: Day six of Star Wars week, since always, I've dubbed this day:

Star Wars: Return of the Sixth.

Remember, concentrate on the moment. Feel, don't think. Trust your instincts- Qui-Gon Jinn


"Oh no! Here comes the big mean Night Fury!" Dagur cried out as he held a stuffed dragon over a small wooden boat. "Oh, what will we do? It's the evil, mean, unsporting, and unbrotherly Black Knight coming to blow us up! Oh no!" He moved a figurine of himself towards the dragons. "But wait! Here comes the dashingly insane Dagur the Deranged to save the day! Yes! He swings his sword and cuts the dragon into teeny tiny pieces!"

At the moment a guard burst into the room. "Sir! The prisoners are escaping!"

"That's nice. Now he takes his sword and goes to duel the evil, mean, unsporting, and unbrotherly Black Knight! And it's a terrific duel! The Black Knight swings and he blocks it with all the... ESCAPING!" He jumped to his feet and ran out the door. "Why didn't you say so?" He ran back in, grabbing his sword and glanced at the surprised guard in disgust. "And they just had to interrupt my game! That Hiccup is so inconsiderate; and that Drago with his stupid schemes, he's such a... a... moron!"

"Yes, sir?"

Dagur paused. "Uh... Moron?"

"Yes, sir?"

"Your name... is Moron?"

"Oh, yes sir!"

"What kind of mother names her kid Moron?" Dagur shouted.

"Well, me mum thought it sounded sweet!"

"Should have named her that. Now, where was I? Oh yes, escaping prisoners! Quick, where's my sword?"

"You're holding it, sir."

"Oh yes. Thank you... Moron."

With a roar, Stoick charged straight at the men who were charging him. His attacks were so sudden and ferocious that the Berserkers broke and fled in terror.

"Cowards!" Stoick bellowed at them. "Come back and fight me if you dare!" He saw someone out of the corner of his eyes and swung his axe, nearly decapitating Astrid, who ducked just in time.

"This really isn't the time for heroics Chief!" She shouted at him as if used regularly seeing him nearly getting killed. The others were with Spitelout, who was in the lead and were already further down the road. They reached a crossroads and saw more guards coming.

"They won't run this time." Snotlout said nervously. Hiccup glanced around, picked out a house and grinned.

"Steady Snot. Quick, give me a leg up!"

Snotlout heaved Hiccup upwards onto the roof. He ran down it and slammed Inferno and himself into the old chimney. This chimney should've been repaired decades ago, as now it was tumbling off the roof and onto the guards below. Loud shouts of pain went up as the bricks broke on their helmets and pummeled them to the ground. With a rush of excitement, the two Jorgensons charged on the few men who'd escape the barrage. Snotlout inflicted bruise after bruise with his club while his father flung men into the walls and through windows like they were toys. Meanwhile, Gabriela was in the shadows picking off stragglers and Hiccup ignited Inferno again and swung it in the air.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Snotlout screamed up at him.

"Drop 'em." Gabriela came out from the shadows and quickly took down three guards.

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