Knight's Return

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Very early the next morning Hiccup and Toothless made their way through pouring rain to the forge. It was a short walk, but the two both arrived soaked.

"I'm glad we didn't choose to sleep under the stars last night!" Hiccup laughed as he opened the door.

"I could've handled it." Toothless smugly said as they entered and Hiccup took off his cloak.

"Yeah, that's because you're a dragon who doesn't need to wear clothes!"

"I'm not sure if this is necessary, but you sure it's safe for us?"

"Of course, we're safe. Besides, we're Stoick's guests, aren't we?"

"But you know not everyone agrees to this."

"Well, there's nothing to worry about. I highly doubt that anyone's going to want to pick a fight with a Night Fury and the Black Knight." Hiccup said pridefully.

He looked around. The last time he was here he wasn't able to reminisce, as he was busy training the new riders and shortly after leaving Berserker. "Nothing's changed. I think I spent more time here than in my house, bud." He picked up the tools and glanced over at the tables. "It's messier and shabbier than I remember. Look at this bud." He pointed to a door that led into a small room. "This was my little area for drawing up inventions. I hid drawings of you in here before I was banished."

The room was empty now, he'd made sure of that before he left. Plans for weapons and any prototypes were destroyed. He didn't want anyone making them and using them against dragons. Anything else he couldn't do without was hidden under the floorboards. Which he retrieved the same night he came back for his other things.

"Well, down to business. We've got a war on our hands and we need to do our part on Berk. We're going to need new and sharp weapons, but first, Inferno can use a tune up." Toothless moved to a corner.

"I think I'll take a nap."

"A nap? You just woke up!"

"Your point?" Hiccup only shook his head and went about his business.

Getting the forge was easy compared to the one at the Island. At the same time, since he used tricks and contraptions, he felt like he was using an outdated model. He needed to remember that Gobber doesn't use Fireworms but required coal that needed to be stoked and added occasionally.

He began to disassemble it; several of the smaller pieces needed to be replaced, it also needed to be polished and oiled. Thankfully, he didn't need to replace Inferno altogether. He was making good progress until someone burst in.

Hiccup whipped around with the hammer ready to defend himself. It was Astrid, so he lowered it. That was a mistake, for she walked straight up to him and slapped him hard in the face.


"That's for ditching us!" She snapped.

"Hey, come on!"

"And this is for everything else!" She threw her arms around him, forgetting his sore back until he screamed.

"Sorry, I'm sorry!"

"Don't you know how to show your feelings without inflicting pain on others?" Hiccup asked through gritted teeth.

"Tell me about it!" Snotlout stated loudly as he entered. "She loves me so much she's always beating me, hitting me, punching me, kicking me-"

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