Berserker Cells

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A/N: Day five in Star Wars week, as always I (and many others I believe) has dubbed this day;

Star Wars: The Fifth Strikes Back.

What if I told you that the Republic is now under the control of the Dark Lords of the Sith?- Count Dooku

*WARNING* This chapter WILL contain a torture scene, please read at your own discretion. You've been warned. *WARNING*


"Oh, Hiccup, Hiccup... I knew that one day we'd cross paths again." Dagur laughed as he paced in front of Hiccup, who'd was chained up to prevent him from escaping.

Hiccup grunted from behind the cloth that was still in his mouth, but the look in his eyes told Dagur that whatever he was trying to say was probably inappropriate. Dagur darkly chuckled as he took a step closer to Hiccup, pulling out a knife.

Hiccup's eyes widened as Dagur pressed the tip of the blade up to his cheek and pushed it deep into his flesh. He screamed but it was muffled by the cloth. Dagur laughed evilly and sheathed the knife before pulling Hiccup up and slamming him into the wall.

"Oh, you have no idea how long I've been waiting to do this. Ever since you beat me." Dagur said. He threw Hiccup to the other side of his cell and watched as Hiccup slid across the floor and stopped at the wall. Hiccup breathed in deeply and tried to get on his knees but he only managed to tire himself even more.

Dagur walked up to him and gruffly stood him up, earning a tired moan. "Come on Hiccup, where's all that Knight energy?" He asked before he kneed Hiccup in the diaphragm. Hiccup fell to the ground gasping for whatever air he could manage.

"This is your place Hiccup. Kneeling before me." Dagur stated casting his shadow across Hiccup's frame. Hiccup looked up with pleading eyes, silently begging for Dagur to stop. Dagur laughed cruelly before pulling him up and the cloth out of his mouth and untied him. Hiccup stared in surprise at what Dagur was doing, until he noticed the knife in Dagur's hands.

Dagur grabbed Hiccup by the front of his tunic and lifted him up, his feet just barely touching the ground. He smirked and slammed the knife into Hiccup's sternum, earning a scream. He twisted the knife and then yanked it out of Hiccup. Hiccup screamed in pain and tried to kick Dagur, but to no avail.

"Oh, how cute." Dagur sneered, throwing Hiccup across the room. Hiccup slammed into the other wall and slid down landing on his knees. He looked up to see Dagur standing over him. Hiccup was bleeding and was out of breath, he tried to stand up only to fall back on his knees with a pained whimper.

"Oh, don't worry Hiccup. I'm going to enjoy what I have planned for your precious Night Fury." Dagur said as he bounded Hiccup and shoved the cloth back into his mouth. "Soon you and your dragon will pay!"


The cell Astrid was in was nothing more than a carved out section of basalt with an iron door. The only thing she could see was a large stone skull, twisted into a face of anguish that seemed to be staring at her. No matter how she tried to look elsewhere it was always staring at her. The Berserker dungeon they were in was sparsely lit by red lanterns, giving the place a menacing and uncomfortable atmosphere.

Stoick and his family were in nearby separate cells, there had been very little conversation after the first few hours of the captivity. Occasionally Snotlout would start whining, which prompted his father to shout at him to be a man and suffer in silence, advice which he and Stoick seemed to take to heart. While she was glad when he stopped, she couldn't blame him for being scared.

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