Chapter 1: Pain is real; but so is hope.

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'Pain is real but; so is hope'

Life isn't easy. It can be so fucking irritating and just so hard to the point where you give up. You give up and let your demons come in and wash away your colours. Because of you giving up, your demons are happy and are laughing at how weak you are. And if you're going to give up, well guess what? You're a coward. Because you let those demons come in and break you. They washed away your colours and you stood there. Broken in pieces. Waiting for someone to help you, well you don't need anyone. Just get up stand your ground and never ever give up without a fight. Never.

It's not going to be easy but; it's going to be worth it.

So never ever give up without a fight

This is my story.

9 year old Chloe POV:

My legs wobbled with each step I take. The cold wind whips through my black hair as I walked faster to my home. The forest. My home. I walked to my spot and I take out a black rug that I normally kept in my bag and lay down on it. Pine trees were surrounding me as I looked up at the night sky gazing at the stars. It's crystal clear. There were so many stars I couldn't count. The only noise I could hear is the crickets, the trees swaying their branches by the wind, and my own breathing.

If my real parents were here would it change anything?

I don't think their dead. I feel like there still here. Somewhere.

I miss my friends. I still remember the good old days. Skye would complain because I would eat all her red skittles. I mean come on they are my favourite. Zoe, I miss her she is like an older sister to me, to be honest. Oh and my older sister Lexi. I will never forget her. She disappeared with my parents as well.

And then there's Thalia. She was an amazing dancer, I always wanted to dance like her but when I tried I looked like I was an octopus.

I chuckled a bit thinking of the good old days. How did my life get so complicated? Should I run away? But I didn't have anywhere to go. I don't know. Maybe I should buy Kevin a present. He would be happy and then maybe he would stop hitting me. Yeah.

I get up too fast which causes my sore side to hurt. I hiss in pain and lift my shirt a little and a dark purple bruise stares at me. I have them everywhere. From Kevin. When I give him a present everything will go back to normal and he won't hit me ever again. I smile at the thought of seeing Kevin smile.

He hasn't had a real smile ever since Katy died, but I hope when I give him a gift he will be smiling so much that his cheeks will be hurting. I walk back home thinking of ideas to buy Kevin.

I think I should buy him a watch. He always forgets to pick me up from school. And maybe because he doesn't know what the time is.

Yes! A watch.

Once I reach home I go to the side of the house and I started to climb up the ladder leading to my bedroom. When I reach my bedroom I lock the window and crept really slowly to see if Kevin was awake. I looked into the living room to see the TV was still on and Kevin on the couch sleeping with a bottle in his hand. My eyes widen and my heart rate picks up. He's drunk. And when he's drunk he hits me harder and gets angrier. I crept towards the TV and switched it off. I held my breath trying to block the disgusting smell as I placed a blanket over Kevin.

I walked away silently and went upstairs to my room. I locked the door and started to empty out my piggy bank. I had $10 from my lemonade stand at school. I'll have to sell some other things. I looked around my room to see if I could sell anything. I started getting books off the shelf and placing them in a bag.

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