Chapter 5: Independence

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I don't trust anyone anymore. Every time I do, I get myself hurt. Broken. I don't need anyone anymore. I can take care of myself just fine. Fuck people. Fuck love. I don't need anyone. Even my shadow leaves me in the darkness. So what's the point of trying to depend on someone when they will hurt you over and over again yet you would still go back to that person? I don't need anyone.

I don't run back to what broke me.


Someone started to shake me.

"Can you hear me?" a male voice

"Squeeze my hand." the voice says again

I open my eyes and see a pair of brown eyes filled with concern.

My eyes closed and my body gave up.

Darkness took over again.

Unknown POV:

Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as her body went limb in my arms. I quickly carry her in my arms and rush to the house. She lost a lot of blood, but I wrapped a piece of my shirt above her wound.

How could anyone do this to a little girl?

She reminded me so much of my sister, I knew I couldn't leave her to die. I jog quickly to the warehouse.

Please stay with me.

Stay with me.

Once I reached the warehouse I slammed through the doors.

"Get the doctor quick!" I yell frustrated.

"Oh shit, follow me." Hunter says his eyes widened

I follow him upstairs into the medical room and found the doctor.

"Place her on the bed!" Jake says as I place her gently as the doctor closes the curtains.

Jake is a really good doctor I hope he can save her in time. I go outside the room and sit on a chair. I was just walking through the forest to enjoy the night, and then I heard a scream and I followed her screams and cries. It's pretty isolated here so no one really lives around here that's why no one heard her. When I saw her all beaten up and in a pool of her in own blood it made my blood boil. How can anyone be so cruel to such an innocent child?

"Dude, what happened?" Hunter asks me as he sits next to me

"I was just walking through the forest and I heard screams and cries and it led me to this girl." I replied

"She was in a pool of her own blood, I c-couldn't leave her." I sigh and put my head in my hands.

"She reminds me of my sister." I say silently

"Oh man, don't worry you did the right thing." Hunter reassures me as he pats my back.

"Come on downstairs with the others. It will cheer you up." hunter says with a little hope in his tone.

"Nah man I'll wait here." I say

"Okay whatever you want." Hunter says as he walks down the stairs

Please be okay.

Someone shakes my arm.

"What..." I groan and open my eyes but it all blurry and I blink again and see Jake. I jump up from my chair.

"How is she?" I ask pleadingly

"She lost a lot of blood but she'll be okay. The surgery went good. She just needs some rest." Jake says

"How long was I asleep for?" I groan and I rub my face

"3 hours." a voice says across the hallway making Jake and I to turn our heads to see Ace walking towards us.

"You know boss is going to kill you?" Ace says to me

"Yeah I know" I reply.

"What time is it?" I ask Ace as he pulls out his phone and checks the time.

"3:00 am" He sighs

"It's been a long night, go and get some rest Nick" Jake says as he squeezes my shoulder and walks back into the medical room. And I do exactly what he does.

10 year old Chloe POV:

I open my eyes to a really bright light.

"Is this heaven?" I whisper and I hear a chuckle and my eyes widen. I jerk up too fast and a pain flashes across my side. I yelp and fall back down on the bed.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." a boy walks up to the bed and looks at me that cause me to back away a little.

"Hey, don't worry I won't hurt you." he whispers and looks hurt a little.

I stay silent.

"What's your name?" He asks me

I stay silent and my eyes are focused on every move he does. You can never trust anyone.

"Where am I?" I demand but comes out quiet as I take in my surroundings

"You're in the hospital." He replies and my head snaps to him. The hospital? Now they'll ask for my parents and that means seeing Kevin again. My eyes widen and my heart rate picks up as it pounds through my chest wanting to break free.

"W-what no!" I yell my breathing increasing

"Hey shhh calm down." a warm hand touches mine

"It's okay. You're safe now." the guy says.

"No, I'm not." I whimper as tears start to fall.

"Don't touch me!" I yell and my eyes dart around crazily.

If you ever come back I'll put a bullet between your eyes.

I can't go back. I don't have anywhere to go.

"Don't take me back!" I yell over and over again.

"Hey!" he yells as he tries to put his hands on my shoulders but I flinch and cover my head with my hands.

"Don't hurt me, Please don't!" I yell as tears fall down uncontrollably.

"Hey I'm not going to hurt you." he says softly.

"And you're not going anywhere. Just let me help you." He says.

I cry not because I'm scared, because it's the first time anyone has said those 4 words.

Let me help you.

And I give in and I spill everything out. About my real parents, about Katy, Kevin and about my friends.


Authors note:

Hello my fellow wattpaders, sorry I posted this late I had school to deal with, anywaysssss I'm going to try and post every Friday and Monday hopefully! And please follow my Instagram Cleocxx to also know when I update.

See that little star on the bottom right corner? Punch that button on it please! Well not literally but you get what I mean. Anyways I hope you liked this chapter and please

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BAIIII and I hope you have an amazing day/night

XOXO- Cleo

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