Chapter 8: Beauty

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Now days, people think that its normal to have a thigh gap, a flat stomach, perfect clear skin, big lips and a whole lot of other shit. But to be honest, how the fuck can someone get a flat stomach when there are ovaries in you? It doesn't make sense. And what is even normal?

We're thinking that this is normal I need to look like this when in reality we all come in different shapes and sizes and we're all different. Different. Unique. No one is perfect no one is the same. We're all different and unique in each and every way.

Society is ugly. Not you or anyone.


Chloes POV:

The rest of the day went flying with a lot of training for my match tonight and a lot of studying. Well Nick forced me to and he won't let me go paintballing I If don't do my studies. Chase was out helping out the gang. But its finally 6:00 pm and I can finally go to my match. Time to beat some asses.

I shut my laptop and go and pack my bag for the match and bring extra clothes for paintballing. I stuff my black boxing gloves in and add some cash. I swing my bag over my shoulder while plugging in my ear phones listening to Daddy issues by The Neighbourhood, I love them. I rush downstairs and say good bye to Nick.

"Have fun, and don't do anything stupid, did you bring your pepper spray can? Oh and Chloe wear layers its freezing outside and Ch-" Nick says way too fast.

"Nick, I'll be fine." I say chuckling a bit about his over protective brother. He lets out a sigh.

"Okay but if anyone hurts you tell me and I'll break their legs." Nick says frustrated.

"No one can or will hurt me."

"Yeah I think it's more of the opposite actually." Nick says thoughtfully.

"Chloe don't hurt anyone okay even if it's small, like last time." Nick says in a stern voice.

"It's not my fault he thought it would be a good idea to- ugh whatever, Nick I'm going to late" I roll my eyes at him.

"Okay little sister, stay safe and stay strong." He says as he envelopes me in a crushing bear hug.

"I will die right now if you don't let go." I say as he lets me go.

"And I'll be careful." I added. And Nick finally let me go as I exited the house.

I walked to the back and got my skateboard. Skate boarding is everything to me. It's so soothing feels like I'm floating.

I skate down the street music blasting in my ears as the cold air whipped in my face.


When I arrive to the club, I tucked my skateboard under my arm as I make my way downstairs to the changing rooms. I wrap my hands to prevent bruises from my punches and stuff them in my black boxing gloves. I'm dressed in my black hoodie and my hair is covered by a beanie along with a mask that covers my face. Identity is a very important thing to protect. I'm wearing black leggings and some runners.

I placed my skateboard and all my belongings in a locker that the club provided and slammed it shut. As I made my way out to the arena and watch the fight. Chase spotted me as he walked towards me.

"Hey, silver." Chase greets me. He knows that I don't want my true identity out so he calls me by my fighter name. I didn't choose it, but people chose it for me because of my eye colour. So I stuck with the nickname.

In the arena were 2 guys who were currently circling around each other desperately looking for a weak spot. I have already found one. The guy in red, Flame, is a bit light on his right side; I could knock him down by his feet and punch him-

The guy in blue, well his name is Ray, found his weakness too and did what I was thinking but Flame tricked him and punched right in the temple and there falls Ray, out cold.

The referee blows the whistle and holds up Flames arm in air while the crowd cheers. The screen shows my name VS Flame. A smile grows on my face, finally. I walk up the steps and stand across of Flame.

"This should be easy." Flame chuckles but I could hear it and boy was he wrong.

"You shouldn't judge a book by its cover, Daniel." I smirk as he realises I know his name and he looks confused, but I didn't waste any time and threw an uppercut right under his chin making him stumble back but I kept going.

I threw punches at him while he was trying to defend himself by raising his arms. He threw a punch that I knew was coming but I was tricked and he punched me on my cheek and man that pissed me off. I stumbled back a bit but quickly try to focus and I see him coming towards me throwing a hook but I dodged it and punched him right in the stomach really hard that made him hunch over.

I raise my knee to his nose and he falls down his face covered in blood. That's what you get you son of a bitch. The crowd goes wild while the referee raises my arm.


"That was amazing!" Chase yells in the car while Andrew and Damon kept nodding their heads.

"When you called out Flames name, his face was priceless." Damon says laughing at the memory. We were currently in the car driving to the abandoned farm. After my match I changed my clothes into black leggings and a grey hoodie. Simple but good for paintball.

"Yeah I could literally see steam coming out of Chloe's ears when Flame punched her." Andrew said and everyone agreed.

"No one is going to disrespect me." I replied back firmly. Nobody can punch me and leave without a scratch.

             "And we are here." Chase says as I look out the window and see a small farm. 


Authors note: 

You guysssss!!! i love you guys so much we hitted #489 in action, in the rank. 

TBH i wasnt going to update today cause i was feeling a bit sick but when i checked this out it moivated me. 

Thank you all or the support I love you guys! 

Stay strong and have an amazing day/night!

XOXO- Cleo

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