Chapter 34: Respect.

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You need to respect yourself first. Else no one will and you'll keep ending up heartbroken.


I put the iron brander back in the fireplace and watch the red flames roar in the air. I felt the radiation hits my skin.

"I really don't want to hurt you," I confess

"But if you won't answer I will,"

"Who is your boss?" I glance at him.

"I-I can't say," he stuttered. I hear the door open and Chase walks in and whispers something to Nick.

"Why can't you?" I cross my arms over my chest.

"Because he will kill me and all of you," he confessed.

I slap him across the face.

"Who is he?" I asked again but he shook his head.

I sighed.

"Such a waste on a pretty face like yours," I sigh and put my hand in my waistband.

"On second thought, I still need you alive," I spoke loudly.

"No food or water for 3 days, when you finally confess on the third day you will live. If not you will die," I spoke and everyone nods.

The whole room clears out and before I shut the door I give him a nod and left.

I'm going to find out everything.


"We have a rat," Conrad spoke

"But who could it be? This gang is practically family; who the fuck would betray us?" Nick says as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Well not anymore," Conrad sighs as he leans back into his chair.

After a few minutes, Nick spoke first.

"Then, we have to flee from here," my head snapped to him.

"No we're not going to cower away," I announced

"We're going to find this rat and we will deal with them," I said.

"We can monitor everyone's phone so we can see who they are contacting," I suggested.

"No Chloe, it's not safe here anymore," Nick stood up.

"You once told me to never give up without a fight and that's what I'm doing," I declared.


I laid in bed thinking. Who was this boss? And who did he think he was? Who was the rat? What was this guy gonna confess? Who would ever want to betray this gang?

I felt my eyes getting heavy and soon enough I was in a deep sleep.

Please, no nightmares.


A loud bang could be heard. I jumped from my bed wide awake. It sounded like a gunshot. Are we getting busted? Fuck. I quickly put my shoes in and grab my gun. I open the door quietly to be met by Jasmine and Nyla in my face. Their eyes were wide and full of fear. I put my finger over my lip signalling them to be quiet. I gesture them to come in my room and I hand them a knife. I give them a nod and check Nick.

Nick was already making his way downstairs. I followed him keeping my gun in front of me low. We crept quietly as Conrad gathered the rest of the gang and made their way to the escape room. Jasmine and Nyla follow the rest quietly.

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