Chapter 11: The Lion does not turn to the dog barking:

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The strongest people are the ones who control their anger and walk away from bullshit and not listen to it.


I finally got all my weapons ready, I chucked them in a bag and start walking out of the weapon room. I dash upstairs into my room and hide the bag in my closet; I don't want anyone finding it. I checked my phone and its 7:00. Breakfast is in 30 minutes. I sigh and lay down on my bed. My birthday is next week, 18 of December. I hate my birthday so much. It reminds me a day that I will never ever forget. When Kevin gave me that scar. I'm going to do this mission on my birthday so I can give him the pain that I felt.

After this mission everyone will know that I am capable of doing things, Nick will let me go and do dangerous missions. Conrad, the boss, he will know that girls are capable of doing whatever they want. Conrad hates nick for bringing me into this gang because I'm a girl. I punched him in the nose when he was complaining. And that was a big mistake. Well it was worth it but Nick got threatened from the boss. He said that If I'm not controlled he will kill me and Nick. This made me angrier but I didn't want to risk anything anymore. He's just some sexist devil that isn't worth my time.

But when I harm Kevin and bring the recording here, everyone will see that I am capable of doing whatever the fuck I want. And then I will finally feel like I belong somewhere. That's all I want. Yes I'm part of the gang and all but I still don't feel like I am. That's why I want to do these missions. To feel like I belong somewhere.

I get up and start doing push ups. Yes I love working out and keeping my body in shape, but I also have to be ready to torture Kevin. The iron brander will come in a few days and I'm excited to get it. People normally use it on animals but I'm against that. I don't mind animals but I know that they do not deserve to suffer. I learned all this from Skye. I remember when we were kids Skye had a pet fish called Olly. Olly died and Skye invited us to his funeral before flushing him down the toilet. I chuckled at the memory. Well we were weird kids but that's what built our friendship stronger.

But back to the point once I get that iron brander, I'm going to scar Kevin with it just like what he did on my birthday. I'm going to give him the pain that he did to me. My phone vibrates and I check and see a message from Chase.

Hey, you free after breaky?- Chase

Yeah, why? – Chloe

We're going out.- Chase

Alright, see you soon.- Chloe

Bye.- Chase

With that I closed my phone and headed downstairs and Nick appears dressed and ready probably for another mission.

"Hey kiddo, how was your sleep?" Nick yawns as he ruffles my hair and I slap his hand away.

"Eh fine as usual, you?"

"Alright, race you down stairs!" Nick yells as he passes me. I run after him a smile on my face. I run a bit pass him but he grabbed my arm so he can go passed me.

"Oh no you don't." I say as I try to grab on his shirt and try to slow him down but he was too heavy and he ended up dragging me. I held on to his leg while I fell.

"Let go off me." Nick whines as he brings out a water gun. Shit. I get up on my feet but it's too late he already started to spray me.

"No! stop Nick!'' I yell as the cold water hits my face and my shirt is starting to get wet.

"What the hell is going on here?!" Someone yells making me get to my feet and making nick stop.

"Nick into my office, Chloe clean this place up," Conrad snarled at me "That's what your best at should be doing."

"Excuse me." I snapped and he turns around and I see Nick shaking his head warning me not to start.

"You heard me, women are only made for cleaning, cooking and best of all," He smirks

"Sex." His smirk grows more and this made my blood boil. I launched myself at him but someone grabs my waist making me angrier. Conrad laughs at me and I try to grab him with my hands but whoever is holding me tightens their grip on me.

"Women are wea-"before Conrad can finish his sentence I tackle him down an punched his nose over and over again until I heard a satisfying crack. Someone grabbed me from behind and took me far away from Conrad. He groans and wipes the blood from his nose but it keeps going. I smirk at him.

"What did you say about women being weak?" I say innocently but the smirk still on my face.

"Chloe." Nick says sternly as he helps Conrad up and leads him away to the nurse's room.

"Chloe you seriously had to do that?" Chase asks me and lets me go.

"He's a dick head. I'm not letting him go with saying women are weak and are only made for sex." I crack my wrist and see a small bruise forming on my knuckles.

"He should've learnt his lesson last time."

"You broke his arm last time. Of course he hasn't learned anything. And shouldn't you be controlling your anger with him." He says

I sigh. "Yes I know but this is different." I say and make my way to my room with chase following me. I go to my bathroom and open the cold water and put my hand under the cool water.

"You don't want Nick hurt." He says while looking at me at the mirror. And I felt a pang of guiltiness hit me. Chases right. I need to be careful. I stop the water and look at my hands.

"Chloe." I hear Chase say my name.

"I couldn't control my anger." I whisper.

"Chloe its okay you just need to practice controlling it." Chase says as I nodded. I need to stay patient. For Nick.

After all, Conrad is wasting my time.


Authors note: 

Heyyy guys, we're finally getting somewhere.

What do you think about Conrad??

Anywaysssss please comment and vote by hitting the star button. 

Have an amazing day/ night!


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