Chapter 4: Trust gets you killed

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Trust gets you killed. People who you think you can trust and then in the end, they betray you. They used you and stepped all over you like you were nothing. They tear your heart in billions of pieces and step all over it. What is trust now days? Trust is when you basically give your life in someone's hand. But now days I don't think there's a thing called 'trust'. Trust is like glass. You can fix it if it's broken but; you can still see the cracks.

Trust isn't something you should give to someone because you think that you can trust them. It's because you know you can trust them.


10 year old Chloe:

I think twice before opening my door to Kevin, who looked happy for some reason. He probably feels guilty or something.

"Chloe, for your birthday we're going out on a road trip" Kevin said as a smile grew across his face. Wait my birthday? With Kevin? YAY!

"YAY okay!" I yelled excitedly

"Okay, Pack all your stuff that you need because we're going to stay at a hotel" he said as he left my room. Maybe some things may work after all.

I got up and got extra clothes and put them in my bag.

Brush, check.

Tooth brush, check.

Tooth paste, check.

After I finished packing, I started to make my way down stairs with my bag pack on.

"Kevin?" I called his name while I was looking for him.

"Haha." he chuckled as he emerged from a dark room.

"You actually think someone wants to go on a road trip, with you?" when those words slipped out of his mouth, my heart broke into millions of pieces.

How could I have been so stupid for believing him again?

I guess I really am stupid.

I looked away from him hurt, as tears started forming in my eyes.

"Your worthless, Chloe," he said.

"No one will ever love you, because well you're not worth it."

I stayed silent and believed each word. He's right. He always was and still is. It's my fault that Katy died. It should have been me who died. Not Katy. Everything I touched breaks. I am trouble.

I am worthless and useless.

I deserve the pain.

"Chloe, all I'm going to do now is for your birthday," he said as he walked towards me with his belt in his hand and a knife in the other. I'm ready, I deserve this.

He swung the belt high and whipped me hard on the arm and I shrieked.

I deserve this.


I didn't know what was happening but I could feel someone dragging me across the floor.


He dragged me outside to the car and chucked me in the boot and shut it tight. I just laid there. My body was screaming in pain, each tear fell down freely and I don't stop them. Because there's was no point. I heard the car's engine and it started to move. I started to fall asleep. I dreamt about my parents. Their faces covered with their smiles. My sister, she was laughing. We were having a BBQ and I tried to throw a water balloon at Lexi but failed as the balloon popped and I was drenched with water.

My dreams were way better than reality. I had given up with life. I deserved pain. Besides it's true. I was the reason why Katy died. If I wasn't here nothing bad would've happen. Whatever I touched, it breaks. Whenever I got happy or excited, that happiness would crash like the waves. Why couldn't my problems be light and easy? Like a feather. I understood why Kevin hated me now. Because I'm a Monster.

A few hours later:

I didn't know how long I was in the boot, but it felt like an eternity. The boot finally opened and I see saw Kevin with a smirk on his face. He's proud at what he did to me. Beating me up. I sat there emotionless.

"Chloe, I hate you so much that I hope you will die," Kevin hissed at me, his tone full of hatred. "I thought whenever I would abandon you in the streets you would die or someone would kill you."

"I was wrong, I guess I should do the job myself then" He said as he yanked me out of the car and my face met the road. I laid there not doing anything. He turned me over so I was facing the sky but my eyes met his cold ones. They were full of hatred and anger. Full of revenge. He took something out of his pockets and my eyes widened.

A knife.

"And if you survive this, which I doubt, don't ever come back you Bitch. Else I will put a bullet between your eyes." He hissed

This is how I'm going to die, I thought. I whimpered and try to move away but he put his body on mine, his knees dug into my hips. As he lifted my shirt up, purple bruises stared back at him. He traced his finger on my side and brought his finger down towards my belly button.

"Good bye Chloe, see you in hell." He hissed as he dragged the knife where he traced with his fingers. He went in deep as he dragged the knife down. I screamed in pain, tears fell down my cheek and he had a smile on his face and he threw the knife in the bag, and slapped me across the face. He kicked me in the sides as I cried in pain. I started to see black dots everywhere and saw a car driving off.

I lay down in my own blood as I stared at the stars above me for the last time. He left me near the forest again. At least I die in my true home. Where I belong. Goodbye world.

And with that darkness took over me.

I'm coming Mum and Dad.


Authors note:


Is Chloe going to live? Only one way to find out, keep reading!

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Hope you guys have an amazing day/night

Bye XOXO- Cleo

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