Chapter 13: You have to go through the worst to be the best:

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To be able to get to the best, to feel happy and strong like nothing can ever stop you, is to get through the worst. To let go of the past and don't let anyone put you down.

No matter what.


The fucking bullet. Missed. Again.

I slammed the pistol on the table in frustration and grabbed a big knife and threw it and hear Chase dropping his gun and Damon and Andrew stopped fighting. I avert my eyes from the ground to the target and a smirk crept on my face. I did it. I guess whenever you determined you can do anything.

I hear Chase curse and look at the ground. He lost the deal. Everyone was silent and I see Andrew repeating to look at me and the knife.

"Bullshit." I hear Damon mumble as he opens the glass door and walks in the target area to the one I threw a knife. He looks at it sideways and touches to make sure it's real. I hear the door open and see Chase going in to see if its true and I follow him.

"OMG you actually did it, even with a knife!" Andrew gawks. Chase looks at me with a smile and something in his eyes. Adoration. No he can't. I turn around at the knife to avoid his gaze. Just made it to the bullseye. I try to distract myself but words and questions keep racing around my mind.

Does he like me?

Is it more than like?

He can't.

I can't.

"Let's go to Burgies as a treat!" Damon says as he starts to head out.

"Yes Burgies!" Andrew yells as he follows Damon and I go after them with Chase behind me. But someone grabs my arm and my whole body tenses. Chase. He turns me around, his green eyes staring at my grey ones.

"Good job Chloe." Chase says as he smiles and I return one.

"Thanks." I mutter and I was about to go but his grip on my arm tightens making me stay in place.

"I-" he was cut off by Andrew yelling.

"Come on I'm hungry!" Andrew yells and I start to walk with him with Chase behind me.

What was he going to say?

Questions kept running through my heads but I shook them off and climbed into the car and we went off to Burgies. If Chase likes me or whatever, I would hurt him. Because I don't see him like that. He's my best friend I don't see him in a romantic way, besides Love is bullshit. I can't focus on this shit. I have to focus on my revenge plan. The iron brander should come tomorrow, well that's what the guy said on the phone, and next Tuesday is the day to let all my anger out on Kevin. Love is just a distraction and I can't let it happen. At all.

After what felt like hours the car stopped and we got out and ordered our food and started to munch on it.

"Dude, Chloe honestly I don't know how you did it, but it was like magic." Andrew says as he stuffs the last piece of his burger in his mouth.

"It was nothing besides the target was just like 2 metres away." I say as I sip my orange juice.

"No it was like like like, 5 metres away," Andrew says but thinks again "I think, but still it was like you came as Tris from divergent and threw it." Andrew explains as Damon nodded his head.

"It was really good Chloe, I don't know why Nick doesn't let you do missions for the gang." Damon says as I tense up.

"Like you know how to fight you go street fighting every night and what you did today was awesome." Damon says and looks at me.

"Don't you dare go and tell him what we did today." I said looking at him straight in the eyes.

"Easy tiger, I won't." Damon says putting his hands up in surrender.

"Her favourite animal is Lions you idiot." Andrew says and hits Damon on the shoulder and I chuckle. These boys always fight.

"Oh well then, easy Lion." Damon says as I laugh.

"But why not?" Chase says his eyes focusing on me.

"If he knows then, I- uh" I pause taking a breath "It's complicated." I sigh and lean back in my chair.

"Anyways, guess who wants to fight you again?" Andrew says leaning into the table.


"Flame." Andrew tries to hold back his laugh but it's too late he laughed and soon everyone else started to.

"Well that bitch is dead isn't he?" Chase says as he takes a gulp of Pepsi.

"Mhm." He's doomed.

"Well this should be fun." I say with smirk on my face the image of Daniel lying unconscious on the floor comes to my head.

"Very entertaining as well." I added

"Dude let's get back, it's getting late." Chase says as we all get up and leave.


"So I see you've come back huh?" I say as we start circling each other.

"Yes I've come to beat your ass." Daniel says and I laugh.

"Well let's see what you've got." I say as I throw a jab at him surprising him.

"You're going to pay for that boy." Funny thing is that they think I'm a boy which pisses me off. A girl can fight too. One day Daniel one day I'll show you.

"I would like to see you try." I smirk under my mask as he throws a jab at my right but I dodged the blow and started to move closer towards him and punch at him but he dodges it. He throws a hook at me and has me in a choke hold.

Oh no this bitch messed with the wrong person. I elbow him in the stomach hard and he hunched over as I grab his head and put my knee up meeting his nose. His hand on his nose whiles the other gripping his stomach. I grip his hair again and pull his head up looking straight at his eyes.

"Next time, don't come to me for a play time unless you want to really fight." I deadpan and threw him across the floor and yawn. The bell rings and the referee raise my hand in the hand.

"Who is up for a challenge?!" The referee yells.

"Me."Someone says.


Authors Note:

Hey guys hope you like this chapter and tell me what you think about it. 

Anyways please vote and comment it motivates me a lot. 

Have a nice day/night! 


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