Chapter 18:Justice.

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For those innocent lives who are suffering whether its sexual harassment or living in a war zone and those who want to end their lives. Wait as justice will come one day, and when that justice comes you will feel free. So wait my friends because justice will come.

The pain will end.


I woke up to my alarm and put my phone on silent. Today is the day. I get up and stretch and walk to my bathroom. I look at the mirror to see my hair all over the place and my eyes bloodshot red. I couldn't sleep last night; thoughts kept coming in and out. I let out a sigh and tie my hair in a ponytail. I brush my teeth and wash my face. I stare at my reflection and pull my grey t-shirt up just enough to see my scar. I ran my finger tracing the scar. Sometimes the things that kill us make us stronger.

I pull my shirt back down and changed into black sport pants and pull a grey hoodie over my head. I grab my bag and swung it over my shoulder as I walked down the stairs. I ran down the street and made my way to the forest. I was soon surrounded by trees and I kept running getting deeper and deeper into the forest. I slowed down a bit and turned my music off. I breathe in the fresh air and go up the trail. When I reach the top of the hill I unzipped my bag and brought out my black rug and laid it out.

I lay down and close my eyes. Today is the day I get my justice. The day I can finally get away from my nightmares. Once I get my revenge by torturing Kevin the way he did to me, the nightmares will finally go away. I am not planning on killing him because he could've changed. People change, whether you're good or bad, people change. I'm giving him a chance even if I hate him, everyone deserves a second chance.

I let out a sigh and sit up just in time for the sun to rise. The sun was halfway from coming up its gold rays spreading out in the sky. Clouds were scattered and were a gold colour from the sun. it was absolute breath taking. I could hear the birds as they flew high in the sky spreading out their wings.

I stood up and packed my rug and went off.



The only sounds I could hear were my breathing and punching. Each punch hits the same spot on the punching bag.


I held the punching bag and kicked over and over again. I let out a sigh as I sat down on a bench and attempted to take off my gloves. Attempted.

"Nick!" I yell as I leaned my head against the wall. Soon I hear the sound of footsteps running down the corridor and someone barging in.

"Who?! What?! How?! Happened?!" A panicked Nick comes in the room looking around for any sign of danger.

"Calm down. I just need help with my gloves." I say as I bring my hands up to show him. Nick lets out a sigh and takes my hand and starts to untie the laces on the glove.

"Oh by the way, Happy Birthday." Nick says with a smile.

"Thanks I muttered as I unwrapped my hands and see bruises covering my knuckles. Those are the only bruises I have now. I say in my head as a smile forms on my face.

"Why are you smiling?" Nick chuckles but he stops when he sees my hand.

"Chloe take it easy, okay?" Nick pleads as his eyes are full of worry.

"I am 16 now; I can take care of myself Nick." I reassure Nick.

"Nick! We need to like go right now!" Andrew yells as he walks in.

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