Chapter 21: No one is perfect.

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There's no such thing a perfect. No one is perfect we all make mistakes sometimes even twice, but that's who we are. We're humans. Don't think of anyone perfect or that you have to be perfect because in this world there's always a dark truth behind beauty.


I drag the body bag out of the car and walked into the house that holds so much pain and dark memories. I go down into the basement and unzip the bag. I pull out the man who haunted me for so many years. I grab the petrol can and twist the cap open. I take a deep breath and pour it all over the body and around the basement. I grabbed a match box and took out a match stick. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I rubbed it against the box as fire appeared. Without any second thoughts I threw it on the body and lit another match stick as I threw it at the other side of the room.

I stepped back as I saw the room soon be engulfed by fire. I'm burning all the memories. All the pain. I'm leaving them behind and I'm starting fresh. It's time I move on. I feel the fire radiation on my face and I feel a hand on my shoulder making me flinch and turn around a fast as lighting. I'm met with green eyes full of alertness. Chase. I snap out of my trance and grab Chase's arm and run out of the house.

We run to the car but I turn around one last time to look at the house. Finally the pain has ended. The house is engulfed in flames and the air is filled of the smoke. I smirk and slide into the car seat.

Good bye.


I stretch my arms and stop my alarm. I let out a yawn and smile as I realise that starting the missions from today. I play my music and put it on shuffle. Logic-1800 comes on and I begin humming as I pick my outfit for today. I pick out black jeans and wore my black hoodie. I finished the outfit with my leather jacket. I wore my sneakers and tied my dark hair in a high pony tail. I grab my mask and shove it in my pocket along with my phone.

I dashed down stairs and made my way towards Conrad's office but I'm stop by a hand on my arm. I flinch and see Nick looking down at me with a sad expression.

"Chloe, you don't have to do this to feel like you belong here." Nick says sadly.

"Nick, I am capable-" before I could finish my sentence Nick cuts me off.

"I know you're capable of doing these things, I just don't want you to end up hurt." Nick says in frustration.

"I won't get hurt Nick, don't worry." I reply back but something doesn't seem right. What is he hiding?

Nick lets out a loud sigh as he drags his hand down his face.

"Look Chloe, you can do these missions if you want, but I really don't want you too. But it's your choice but just please stay safe." Nick says and I nod.

"Nick I'll be fine don't worry." I say as he pulls me in a hug and I hug him back. We pull apart as everyone comes down and heads towards Conrad's office.

"Alright gang, listen up." Conrad says making everyone silent.

"Ace, Nick and Hunter I need you to go and deliver these to our clients." Conrad says as he chucks them a bag as they nod and make their way out of the room. Nick gives me a nod which I return back.

"Josh and Chase, go and remind Mr Ron that time is running out and I'm losing my patience. Oh and give him a little.... Sense into his head." Conrad says while punching his palm.

"Damon and Andrew I need you to spy on our enemy gang and see if there is any threats that could be coming for us. Oh and try to find their weakness so we can end them." Conrad says while texting Damon the address.

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