Chapter 36: Light.

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Don't sit in the darkness and give up. Look for the light. If you can't find it, make your own light.


I hanged up immediately and stormed back into the store and my eyes scan each aisle to look for the girls. My heart was thumping wildly against my chest. I felt the tears coming in and I just wanted to collapse on the floor and cry. I push everything away all my thoughts and focus.

Breathe. Focus.

Once I found the girls I tugged their arm getting their attention.

"We have to leave. Now," I spoke motionless.

"What hap-" I cut Nyla off

"I'll explain later," I spoke and made my way out of the store.

I'm coming Nick.

I rushed to my car and jumped in the driver's seat and the girls get in. I didn't bother putting my seat belt on, I turned on the engine and it roared to life. Without wasting a second I sped down the road.

"Chloe what happened?" Nyla asks

"Nick. He's been kidnapped," I spoke silence fills the car. I stepped on the accelerator and gained more speed. The engine roared with life as it gets louder.

"I shouldn't have left!" I yelled at myself

"Now he could be dead for good. It's all my fault!" I yelled and felt the tears coming in.

"I will hate myself if he died!" my voice broke.

"Chloe calm down!" Nyla shouts

"I can't," my voice broke.

Snap out of it. You're not going to find Nick like this!

I breathed in deeply and held my breath. I exhaled and repeated it until I was calm. I slowed down a little and finally reached up to the gangs' house.

"I'm sorry," I muttered and quickly got out and ran inside the house.

I barged into Conrad's office.

"Where is he?" I said calmly. I felt like I was going to break down any second. Like I was on a cliff. Inches away from the edge, I could fall down any second.

"We're going now to him. Chase was taken away too," Conrad spoke.

Even chase? I breathed in sharply.

"Even Chase!?" I flipped it.

That's it. I swung my arm with power and made contact with the wall leaving a hole. My knuckles tingled with pain but I ignored it.

"They fucking asked for it," I spoke in a deadly tone. I will kill them. I will watch the light leave their eyes.

I run out of the office and go to my room. I pack all my weapons including the iron brander. They asked for this. I slipped on my leather jacket and tucked in my gun.

I'm coming Nick and Chase.

I swung the bag over my shoulder and made my way downstairs.

"Jasmine and Nyla, take these keys there's a car in the garage. Stay at the safe house and don't get out unless you need something. Don't come looking for me until I come back." I said sternly and handed them some cash. They both nodded and gave me a hug and I returned one.

I felt like my heart was ripped away from me. This can't be happening.

"We can't all go." Conrad spoke.

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