Chapter 38: World.

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There are things in the world that we simply have no control over.



Every inch of my body was aching in pain. Memories that I didn't want to remember flashed in my head. It feels like I can't breathe. I gasp as my eyes flew open and take in where I was. I was in a white room and the sound of machines beeping makes me even more alert. I was in the hospital. I look down at my stomach looking for any wound but nothing. Nick's scream was the last thing I heard. Fuck what happened?!

I pull the blankets off of me and see a needle tape to my hand. Without blinking I pulled it off and hopping of the bed. The minute my feet touch the ground, pain shoots up my leg and I bit my lip trying not to scream. My left foot was bandaged and the memories crash in like waves. Chase, Conrad, Nick and Anthony. Chase aimed his gun at me. What had happened? Nick's scream.

I let out a scream and punch the wall hard leaving a hole in it. I collapsed to my knees and felt tears stricken down my cheeks. It's all my fucking fault.

"I'm sorry!" I yelled and gripped my hair tightly as the tears I have been pushing back for so long erupt.

"It's all my fucking fault!" I yelled and I hear the door open.

I need to go back. I glance to take a look at the people who came in but all I saw was doctors and nurses. No familiar faces.

Someone touches my shoulder and I flinch standing up making them stand back.

"It's all my fault. I have to go back," I spoke motionless and struggled to walk past them as they tried to push me back on the bed.

"No fuck off!" I yelled and pushed them away.

Tears stricken down my cheeks and every voice was muffled. Their lips were moving and panic washed over their features but it's as if their voice didn't reach to me. Nick. I need to find out what happened.  My eyes meet icy blue ones. You. Anger ignites in me and darkness takes over yet again. I push the doctor away and make my way to her. My eyes never leave her icy cold blue ones. In seconds I find myself holding her by the neck against the wall.

"Who are you working for?!" I shouted at her.

"Who are you?!" I yelled. I felt myself being pulled away and I struggled to fight against them.

"Let me go!" I yelled and felt a wave of exhaustion hit me.

"No Nick. I have to save him," I whispered before darkness takes over me again.


I groaned as I open my eyes but everything was blurry. I blinked again and everything was clear to me. My senses came back and I remembered what had happened. I sit up fast and look at my surroundings. Fuck I'm in the hospital. I have to get out and save Nick. I get to my feet slowly and slip on my shoes. I didn't put much pressure on my left foot while walking and walked at the front of the bed. I bring out the clipboard that was attached to the bed and quickly went through the papers.

Sprained ankle and victim of drowning. Wait what?

Drowning? I scrunch my eyebrows and try to regain my memory. Was I pushed off? No wonder I wasn't in my normal clothes I thought as I see my black clothes folded neatly on the table. But then how did they find me? I snapped out of my thoughts when I hear the door open. I turn around quickly and see a young woman dressed in a navy coat and black jeans. Her platinum hair was in a pixie cut and it made her cold blue eyes bold.

"Lexi," I hissed out but I also felt my heart burst. I found one family member. But why was she always spying on me?

"Hello Chloe," she spoke in a relived tone.

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