Chapter 16: Don't give in easily.

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Don't satisfy people when you fall down. Don't show them that any sign of weakness or show them that they have hurt you. Nope. Stay strong and get up. When you fall down you have a choice whether you want to stay down and feel sorry for yourself and satisfy others or you get the fuck up and get stronger. Because when you all down and get up, you get stronger.

Don't satisfy your enemies. That's rule number 1.


Chloe's POV:

"Stupid fucking guy." I muttered angrily as I walked down the street. The iron brander hasn't come yet and I'm pissed at the guy for saying 'it will come in 2 days'. Mother fucker. Tomorrow I'm going to beat Kevin, I've been waiting for like 2 weeks. I walked to an old abandoned house just a few streets away. I didn't want the iron brander to be delivered right at the gangs house so I told the guy the address of this house.

It better be here. I finally arrived at the old house and walked to the mail post. I grabbed the rusty lock pad and took out a rusty key and unlocked it. Webs covered the inside of the mail along with dust and inside sat a box. Most likely the iron brander. I reached in and took the box and chucked it in my bag as I locked the pad and shoved the key in my pocket and started walking back.

Tomorrow is the day I get my justice and to be honest I'm terrified. I'm going to see the man who fucked up my whole childhood and my whole life. The man that gave me this ugly scar that held so many memories. Memories that a 9 year old should have never ever experience. I'm terrified if I break down in front of him. if the memories will be too much. But I can't back out now. I won't allow myself to do that. I've worked so hard for this day I can't just back out. I can't let anyone get away with hurting me.

I let out a sigh and look at the sky. The mornings' cold wind hitting my face as I look at the blue sky and see clouds scattered around here and there. The sun shone down at the land. I put my earphones in my ears and play my playlist and Afraid by The Neighbourhood came on.

I let the music blast in my ears as I started to jog down the street and headed towards the forest. The wind biting my face as I was soon surrounded by trees.

You're too mean, I don't like you, fuck you anyway.

I stopped jogging after 5 minutes and went down to the ground in a push up position and started to do them. 1 push up turned to 15 and I get up and took a run back to the warehouse. When I arrived at the warehouse the smell of food hits me but I dash upstairs. I need to hide my iron brander. I locked my door and slid my bag off as I unzipped it. I pulled the box out and wiped some dust off and pull out my pocket knife from my pocket. I slide the blade down the cardboard and find a wrapped up iron brander. I smile while looking at the feather symbol. My eyes catch a note that was in the box and I pick the scrunched up paper and unfolded it. It said: 'Sorry for the late delivery'

Pfft. I wrap my iron brander and put it back in the box. I walk to my closet and bend down pulling out a safe box and chuck the iron brander in there and locking it. I go downstairs to the kitchen and see the gang already munching on their breakfast. I sat next to Chase and started to spread butter on my toast.

"Hey Chloe." Chase greets me with his mouth full. I give him a nod and took a bite out of my toast.

"You alright?" Chase asks his green eyes held so much concern. I let out a shaky breath and nod. I'm just nervous.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I say and force a smile and continue to eat my toast.

"Alright, but if you ever need anyone I'm here." Chase says as he goes back to eating.


Punch Fuck you Kevin. Punch we will see who's the weak one now. Punch.

"Chloe- woah take it easy; don't want to break your hand." Nick says as he leans against the door frame.

I stop punching and grab my water bottle and chug it down, water dripping down my chin.

"What's up?" I say as I take off my boxing gloves but struggle.

"Here let me help." Nick says as he comes towards me and starts untying the laces.

"Well I'm going out, to do a mission. Please stay here and stay safe." Nick says as he pulls the glove off.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." I sigh. When everyone knows that I tortured Kevin, I'll be able to do missions too. Its time I belong somewhere.

"Okay, but also try and study." Nick says as he pulls off the other glove.

"Thanks." I muttered and Nick lets out a sigh.

"Look Chloe, I know you want to get involved in these missions, but honestly you don't want to." Nick says as he crosses his arms across his chest.

"It's all good, honestly." I lie. I want to fucking belong somewhere.

Nick was going to say something but he was cut off by Chase.

"Nick we have to go." Chase says as he looks into the room and his eyes drop to mine. I look back at Nick.

"Alright, I'll be there in 5." Nick says and Chase leaves.

Nick pulls me in a hug and kisses my head and I wrap my arms around him.

"Please, I'm doing this for your own good." Nick whispers and my heart drops. I feel bad. but I want to finally feel like I actually belong somewhere. Nick pulls away and puts his hands on my shoulder.

"Stay safe, Nick." I say and give him a soft smile.

"I will be and you stay here." I nod and watch him walk away.

When I hear the door close shut I waited for a couple of minutes and shut the gyms door.

I let out a scream and punch the wall.

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