Chapter 44: Reality

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You can't escape reality.


There he was, fighting against his opponent. Every inch of his muscle moved as he threw another punch. Sweat glistened against his skin as his eyes were trained on his opponent and threw a kick to the other guy, knocking him down. Jason repeatedly punched him and the referee had to come and push him away. It seems as if he was trying to let his anger out. He glared at the now passed out guy and climbed down the stadium not even bothering collecting the money. The guy probably had something to do with Jason. I leaned against the wall and kept my head low as Jason walked passed me out of breath with his bag over his shoulder.

Jason never seemed the type to get angry and I know he hates it when he gets angry, so this probably had to have a reason. I wanted at one of the tables near the bar and kept a close eye at the bathroom, waiting for him to come out. Once he came out with a grey hoodie over his head I got up and followed him once he went up the stairs. I waited a few minutes not wanting him to see me and went after him.

Just make sure he reaches home safe.

I repeat to myself over and over again. As I peaked behind the wall and see Jason jogged down the street. Everything seems to be okay so far. I walked on the street he's on and kept my eyes trained on him. He jogged across the street and picked up his pace as he entered the forest. As I followed him into the forest, I made sure I kept my distance and tried to make little sound as possible. He runs through the forest and I jog after him worried if he noticed someone was following him. I distant myself much more and slowed down my pace. I looked up at the clear sky and see the bright stars scattered across the dark sky.

I smiled as I lifted my sleeve revealing the small star tattoo. I pushed my thoughts away as I heard something hitting the water. I quickly rushed to the scene and hid behind a tree. Jason was throwing stones at the water angrily and kept pacing up and down. He pulled down his hoodie viciously and tugged at his hair as his shoulders slumped down and he collapsed to the ground.

His face was covered by his hands as he breathed in deeply. My heart broke at the start that I didn't even notice that I walked up to him slowly.

Not wanting to scare him I called his name out,

''Jason?'' his head snapped towards me as he forced a smile on his face. But it didn't meet his eyes.

I come to his side and sit beside him on the ground silently as I hesitantly wrap my arm around his shoulders and soon enough he gave in.


''I just don't feel good enough,'' he sighed as I listened to the whole situation quietly.

''They expect me to be exactly as my brother. But I'm not like him,'' he said quietly and I nod my head.

''Those words.''

''They just hurt.'' He spoke and my heart ached for him. He doesn't deserve this shit.

''Let the waves in. Let them crash against each other along with those words. Let it all sink in. Don't block it out; else it'll just build up. Once those words have sunken in, gather all of them up and throw them in a fire. The fire is your fuel. Try not to allow their words get into your mind. Use them as your fuel to keep going, to prove them wrong,'' I finally said and he nods.

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