Chapter 13 - The Family Drawing

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Jesy's POV

The past few days have been really difficult with Olivia, she was angry all the time and wouldn't listen to me because 'I wasn't her Mom.' I thought it was going to get better after the little fight she had at school and the talks we had after it but it seemed not. I am on my way to pick both girls up from school now. 

Me: "Oh dear, it's been a bad day," I said quietly when Olivia wandered slowly out of the classroom, feet dragging. "Hey Livy, how are you?" I asked happily when she came closer to me, I always tried to be positive even if I could tell how her day was. 

She grumbled in response, handing me her backpack and going to play with her sister. Her teacher approached me quickly afterwards holding a piece of paper. 

Mrs.Duran: "Hi, how are you?" she asked nicely 

Me: "I'm alright, thanks, It's not been a good day, has it?" I smiled. 

Mrs.Duran: "No, not really. They had to play inside at lunchtime because it was raining and she wasn't very happy with that but she sat with her friends and did some drawings but when I went to tidy up, this was the one with her name on..." she said handing me the drawing. 

I raised my eyebrows sighing. At first sight it might have looked like a lovely family photograph, Mom, Dad, me, Olivia and Eloise, only I had been drawn and then scribbled out fiercely. 

Me: "Oh... wow, that's not great, is it," I said. 

Mrs.Duran: "No, I mean I didn't want to say anything to her, she's obviously struggling with something but I thought I would let you know," 

Me: "Yeah, thanks. I think I'll have a word with her later," 

I couldn't believe that she had drawn something like that, it didn't make me feel particular good, but she obviously had something going on in her head. I asked to speak to her when we got home, Eloise went to play quietly in their bedroom and I sat with Olivia and a snack in the kitchen. 

Me: "Your teacher gave me this drawing, Olivia," I said passing it across the table. "Can you explain?" I asked gently looking in her eyes. 

Olivia: "Explain what?" she said sassily, tilting her head. 

Me: "Why you scribbled me out?" I raised my eyebrows at her. 

Olivia shrugged her shoulders, looking away. 

Me: "Olivia," I warned, "It isn't a very nice picture, is it?" 

Olivia: "My Mummy would have liked it," she argued crossing her arms. 

Me: "Hey, hey, what's going on, you want to talk to me?" I asked gently kneeling in front of her. 

Olivia: "NO! LEAVE ME ALONE!" she shouted pushing me away and storming into the other room. 

I didn't know quite what to do, she was obviously angry and needed to get it off her chest but she was only seven and didn't understand her emotions. I left her alone for a little while waiting for her to calm down. Leigh, Perrie and Jade came over for dinner, having all finished work for the day. They were helping me finish making dinner when I heard a scream and Eloise came flying through the kitchen door crying a few seconds later. I took a deep breath knowing that Olivia had probably done something naughty, she had been in trouble so many times in the past week. 

Perrie: "What's the matter, baby?" she asked concerned, trying to lift her on to her own lap. 

Me: "Hey, don't do that, that's not nice," I scolded gently watching Eloise push Perrie away and come towards me still crying. I lifted her on to my lap, rocking her gently. 

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