Chapter 46 - Family

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Jesy's POV

It has been just over a week since Olivia's absolute meltdown and everything seems pretty normal, I know that's probably jinxing it and something dramatic will happen in the next few days to completely prove me wrong, but seriously. For the first time since the car accident almost a year ago now, things were good. I felt like we had pretty much covered all basis for possible meltdown scenarios and it was only up from here. We had dealt with pretty much everything that could have happened in the last year so from now on it was only going to get easier. Our days have fallen in to a typical routine; wake up, get dressed, eat breakfast, school, dance class, homework, dinner, bath and bed; and pretty much nothing deviated from this, except for the odd thrown out of nowhere experience. Like today. 

Eloise's class were going on a school trip, nowhere super special or overnight, just a few hours at the local farm to learn about animals and everything that comes with that. This is her first school trip, at least in the last year it is, being so little the school preferred to have things come to the children rather than bring the children to the things but farm animals were definitely not welcome in the girls prep school so they were going to them. She was excited, as were the other 19 children in her class, and there was a little apprehensiveness there too. 

Eloise: "What's a bus like?" she asked during our bedtime story last night. 

Me: "Well, it's just like a car but longer with more seats," I explained. 

Eloise: "Oh, okay. Have you made sure I've got a packed lunch?" she asked, her language was much more sophisticated now and she practically had everything under control herself including making sure that I had done things, like make a lunch or remember to sign the permission slip. 

Me: "Yep, it's all ready to go with all of your favourite things in it," I promised. 

Eloise: "That's good and is my uniform all clean?" I told you practically ran the house. 

Me: "Yep, everything is ready to go. Your wellington boots are with your coat to put on at the front door with your bag and your lunch is the fridge. It's all control, Eloise!" I joked. "Now, come on. Bedtime," I said tucking her down in to the covers and kissing her head. 

I switched the light off as I walked out of the girls shared room. We were still living in the same two bedroom little house that we started off with but I had just put an offer in for a bigger 3 bedroom place with a small downstairs office for the girls playroom and a backyard big enough for a climbing frame. We were all looking forward to having a little bit more space and being closer to the girls school and their friends. 

Downstairs, I checked that everything was were I had told Eloise it was, as well as finishing the laundry and unloading the dishwasher. Normal evening jobs, before sitting down with a glass of wine and my phone messaging Josh. Olivia and him were now friends, and Eloise was convinced that they were going to get married one day, and neither me or him had the heart to break hers! 

Every night before I went to my own room, I poked my head in the girls. They were always both sound asleep dreaming peacefully of everything little girls should dream of, fairies, unicorns and magical lands. Gone are the days, when I would go in to find Olivia in the middle of a horrific nightmare and Eloise having moved herself to my bed. I could happily sleep by myself (or occasionally with Josh) without being woken up or waking up myself having to check on them. 

Every morning, my phone alarm went off at 6.45am. (Except for that one day where it had run out of power so the three of us slept until 8, and were therefore very late for school without any valid excuse...) I went downstairs to get a coffee, the only thing helping me function so early in the morning, before waking the girls up at 7.15. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2018 ⏰

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